🔔Skipping and Kissing💋

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Willow felt like it had been 10 hours in ELA. When really the teacher had walked in 5 minutes ago. She so desperately wanted to talk to Hunter. About literally anything.

Willow was about to just leave the class all together, when something caught her mind. Cassiopeia had given her cat shaped sticky notes last week. Willow snatched one of Cassi's assorted pens. And got to writing.

'Hey sweetheart! Are you okay, want to talk?' Willow folded the paper nicely and handed it to Cassie.

"Give it to Hunter." willow whispered right in her ear.

Cassiopeia obliged and handed it to Hunter.

Willow watched as her boyfriend read the note. Scribbling something down on the back side. Hunter handed the note to Cassi, and she gave it back to Willow. 

The letter said 'No darling. Thanks for asking tho. Love you.' Willow blushed a little. Grabbing a new note, she got to writing.

'Want to skip, I might die of boredom.'  Willow folded the paper, handing it the Cassi, who handed it to Hunter.

Hunter jotted something down and gave the paper to Cassi.

'No, Sweety you realize you have a D in this class. And plus, Mrs. Waybright is handing out homework.'

Willow frowned, laying her head on the desk. 

'I'll just have Cassi grab it' Willow didn't care to pass the note through her friend, instead she shot it straight at Hunter. It landed in his hands with a slight flick.

'Cassi is leaving this class early, she had her consoling today'

Hunter shook his head, handing the paper to Cassi.

'Then I'll just ask Magie' Magie was one of Willow's basketball friends.

'Just stay in class, ELA isn't that bad' Willow grumbled, ELA was that bad!!

'I'm leaving, goodbye!' Before Willow could even get the note to Hunter, the speakers let out a loud annoying scratchy sound. 

"Willow Noceda, down to the Office. Willow Noceda, down to the office."

The speakers obviously scared Hunter really bad, he had his hands over his ears, and his knees curled up to his chest. 

"I... I don't know where the office is! Can I bring Hunter?" Willow dam well knew where the office was, she'd been in school for almost 2 months. 

"I don't care. Just go and take a hall pass." The teacher shook her hand towards the door. And with that, Willow grabbed Hunter's hand, a hall pass keychain and jogged out of the class.

"Dam it Willow!" Hunter growled.

"What?" Willow hadn't let go of Hunter's hand, instead intertwining their fingers. 

"You're going to fail ELA!" Hunter shook his head.

"It's always worth it~" Willow smiled, giving Hunter a peck on the cheek. 

They stopped at the end of the hallway.

"Just wait for me here." Willow pointed to a bench placed outside the front office. She threw the keychain Hall pass to Hunter.

"Why should I stay?" Hunter scoffed.

"Because you Love me." Willow gave a smug grin before walking into the front office.

"As yes, Willow Noceda!" It was the vice principal Mrs. Pearl. She was a tall lady, with a long nose and pink pointy hair. 

"Sit my dear."

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