📌Letting it all go🎈

285 7 6

(WARNING: Self harm mentions of blood)

As soon as the bell rang Willow dashed out of class. She ran in a blind rage, while Cassiopeia followed.

"Willow, hey Willow!" Cassiopeia's hair bounced as she struggled to keep up with Willow.

"You aren't really going to hurt her, are you?"

"I might!" Willow hissed. THERE! She saw Hunter and Brooklynn from a distance.

"Wait! Look." Cassi grabbed onto Willow's wrist. Stopping her from moving.

Willow stopped and staired at the two. Impatiently she tapped her foot on the ground.

Hunter was laughing with Brooklynn. And they were holding hands!

Willow's heart dropped. Hunter must be just talking to her. And where did his scars go?

"I'm going to talk to Hunter!" Willow snarled, flicking her wrists away from Cassi.

Willow dashed forwards without another word.

"Hunter!" Willow took a deep breath, holding in her fury.

"What are you doing with Brooklynn?" 

"Me and Hunter are now d-!" Brooklynn was cut off by Willow.

"Hunter can talk for himself, thank you." Willow snorted, turning back to Hunter.

"So? What are you doing with this pick me bitch."

"Well..." Hunter's heart ached. He couldn't hurt his friends like that. But what about Willow. He loved her. He loved her so much his heart burned.

Hunter gave Brooklynn a look of distress. Asking her if he really had to do this.

"Yeah, what are you doing with me." Brooklynn gave a sly smile. Holding his hand tighter.

Brooklynn pulled Hunter in so she could whisper in his ear. 

"Tell her this. Me and my baby Brooklynn are dating, so I want you to get your plant loving ass out of my face. Like why won't you shut up about those stupid ferns." Brooklynn whispered, her face full of contentment.

"Umm-Me and my baby Brooklynn are dating, so umm I want you to get your plant loving ass out of my face. And Umm-Why won't shut up about those stupid plants " Hunter stumbled, his voice was cracked and filled with anguish. 

"What..." Willow back up, tears forming in her eyes.

"No quise decir eso, te amo!" Hunter's voice cracked. No! No! NO! HE COULD'NT MAKE WILLOW CRY! (Hunter's Duolingo was paying off.)

Hunter retracted even more once he saw Luz, Amity, and Cassiopeia giving him shocked looks. 

Willow's Pov:

"Me and my baby Brooklynn are dating, so I want you to get your plant loving ass out of my face. And shut up about those stupid plants you like so much!" Hunter hissed, his voice crude and harsh.

"What..." Willow backed away, her eyes staring to water.

NO! Hunter hates me. I did everything wrong again! 

"No quise decir eso, te amo!" Hunter's voice was a blurry mess as Willow backed away.

Everyone in the hallway was staring at them.

"If that's h-how you f-feel." Willow whimpered. Tears falling from her eyes. Cassiopeia looked shocked and was reaching out for Willow.

"I n-need to go." Willow ran away from that hallway, she ran as far as her legs could take her. 

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