✂Cutting out Words🤡

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Warnings: Mentions of Self harm, self deprecation

"WHY ARE YOU IN HERE!" Hunter huffed, batting away the spit from his mouth.

"We could ask the same!" Vee placed down both Hunter and Willow's bags on the ground.

"OF ALL PLACES, YOU CHOSE TO MAKE OUT IN THE STAFF ROOM!?!" Luz shook her head, walking into the room.

"Oh, shut up." Willow rolled her eyes, getting off of Hunter lap. And walking over to Luz.

"You guys are welcome." Vee snorted.

"Oh yeah, we brought your bags from the ELA class. Some girl named Magie said she put your homework away in them." Luz was opening a drawer, rooting through it for something.

"Well, thank you." Willow rolled her eyes. 

"VEE!" A person with black hair came jumping up on Vee.

"NOO!" Vee booked it out of the hallway, throwing them off her back. 

"COME BACK HERE!" The person (Masha) shot up and ran after her. 

"What are you looking for exactly?" Willow peered at Luz. 

"Something for Mr. Universe. He said it would be in one of these drawers!" Luz was getting agitated, opening all the drawers in the room.

"WHERE IS THAT UKELELE!?!" Luz spat, whipping around to face Hunter. The blonde boy was layed on his back, looking star struck. 

"That?" Willow pointed to a ukelele on the wall. It looked kind of like a sunset, going from yellow at the top orange and red in the middle and yellow at the bottom.

"IT WAS ON THE WALL!!" Luz jogged over to it, giving Hunter a side glace on her way. Luz plucked it from the wall and walked into the doorway. 

"Coming? The bell is ringing in 2 minutes." Luz then stepped into the hallway walking off." 

Time skip to end of school say.

Willow was sitting by the front doors of the school, waiting for everyone to come outside. Willow had basketball practice today, but she would always say bye to her friends beforehand. 

A few minutes passed, and Vee came out with the same black-haired person.

"Hey Willow! You're going to basketball practice, right?" Vee walked over to Willow, helping her stand up.

"Yeah, just saying bye to ya'll. And don't worry, I'll go grocery shopping after." Willow on occasion had to go grocery shopping after school. She absolutely hated it, taking a public bus was not very fun. Sometimes Amity would go with. But she was busy with a science project with Gus today. 

"This is Masha." Vee smiled, pointing to her friend.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Willow park- Er... Umm I mean Willow Noceda!" Willow hurriedly shook Masha's hand, they shook back with a smile.

"See you soon Willow, be safe." Vee gave Willow a quick hug before walking away with Masha.

Pretty soon Amity and Gus came out of the building.

"Hey Willow!! Have fun at basketball practice!" Gus smiled.

"Stay safe coming home. Bye." Amity waved before walking off with Gus.

A few minutes passed and Hunter came out with Brooklynn.

"Hey Hunter, I'm going to be a little late coming home. I have to go grocery shopping." Willow watched as Hunter stopped to turn to her, but Brooklynn tried to keep him walking.

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