📺Staying sick🤒

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"WHAT!" Amity staired at Ghost in shock.

"When did this happen Ghost??"



"It happened right when we got home from school, when you went to go ask Willow for help with your science project." Hunter sighed, scratching the top of Ghost's head.

"I think I remember... I DO!" Amity cringed, thinking back on that memory.

"Willow was laying in the bathtub, cutting herself. And I helped her clean up." Amity was listing off events.

"THAT'S WHY SHE HAS BANDADES ON HER ARMS!" Everything was making sense.

"Then, I said we need to tell you guys. And she got mad, then we fought. She pinned me down with vines. And cast the spell." Amity sighed at the last part.

"What should we do?" Hunter twitched his fingers. 

"It's not like theirs much we can do. At least until Willow gets home. But she told me that basketball practice was cancelled since she didn't go, so it's today. And she wanted to go grocery shopping." Amity layed her head back.

"What are we even going to do all day?" Hunter groaned, the two of them could barely walk properly. Let alone do something productive. 

"Distract ourselves. Here!" Amity leaned to the side. Grabbing the remote from Hunter.

"Luz was ranting about a show called Steven Universe to me. I thought maybe we could watch it. If you sister likes it, I'm sure you could give it a chance." Amity grinned, flipping through shows.

"If Luz likes it, I'm sure it's terrible." Hunter scoffed.

"That's not what happened with Warrior Cats is it." Amity smirked, she had read all the first arc books but one. They were really good, and she didn't think she had the guts to admit that to Hunter. 

"Fine. But only the first season." Hunter frowned, this was going to be a long day. 

5 hours later.

"What! Why would he get on an airship! He's going to get shattered by the diamonds!" Amity shook her head.

Amity had her legs laid across Hunter's lap, and Hunter had pushed a bean bag chair against the couch so he could lay his legs out. 

"Well, he didn't want his friends to go to the human zoo! But Lars was stupid and stayed on the ship!" Hunter scoffed, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. 

"Is it just me or does Vee sound a lot like Amethyst?" Amity squinted her eyes.

"Your right! She does!" (Vee and Amethyst have the same VA)

"Are you two hungry?" Camila leaned over the side of the couch, peering down at the focused children. 

"Mama, could I have some more crackers please?" Hunter smiled, leaning his head up to look at Camila. 

"Miss. Noceda, may I have some water?" Amity didn't look up from the TV.

"Of course, I'll be right back." 

The only thing Amity and Hunter could actually eat, where crackers, Sprite, and water.

"Admit it Hunter, this is a ten out of ten show." Amity fake punched Hunter.

"Only if you admit your second favorite book series is Warrior Cats!" Hunter stuck his chin up dignity.

"Never!" Amity defiantly hissed. 

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