🌕False love🌑

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As soon as all the kids got home Willow ran into her normal sleeping spot in the guest bedroom.

The past week Willow had been sleeping next to Hunter. And for some weird reason he would always push his blankets to make a nest, it was quite cute actually.

Hunter also loved stuffed animals. So, he always propped them around his line of blankets. except for one, it was a medium sized wolf plushie that Hunter named pancake. (You know, flapjacks Pancakes?? Hunter's palismen flapjack) And he would always cuddle with it while sleeping.

Willow pushed herself into the small nest burring herself into the blankets.

"Willow?" Gus sat down right outside the blanket circle.

Tears slowly fell from Willow's eyes. Why was she so upset? This really wasn't a big deal. BUT IT WAS! IT WAS A BIG DEAL!

Willow pushed herself further into the blankets, turning away from Gus.

"I don't know what happened but I'm sorry." Gus frowned at patting Willow's shoulder before leaving.

"Captain?" Hunter calming voice made Willow want to drop what she was doing and give all of her waking attention on him.

"What's wrong?" Hunter climbed onto the bed sliding next to Willow in the blanket nest.

Hunter frowned at Willow as she cried. He was really bad at comforting people when they were upset.

"Wanna hold Pancake's?" Hunter nudged the plushie towards Willow.

Willow was surprised. Hunter never let anyone touch his stuffed animals.

She slowly nodded reaching her hands out to grab it. Pulling it towards her chest, she realized how calming having it was.

It was soft and smelled like Hunter. Her crying slowly stopped.

"T-thanks Hunter." Willow sniffed sitting upwards.

"Anytime." Hunter smiled, giving Willow a peck on the forehead.

Hunter face went red, Willow didn't seem to notice tho.

"Why are you upset?" Hunter stuttered trying to pull himself together.

"It's nothing." Willow sighed, OH SHIT OH SHIT! Willow could feel vines start to creep up her legs. And a few were blooming in Hunter's hair.

"YOU SHOULD GO! LIKE RIGHT NOW!" Willow easily pushed Hunter towards the edge of the bed.

"What?" Hunter looked thoroughly confused.

"I said you really should go!" Willow flicked her leg, trying to subdue the vines. 

"What I'd do?" Hunter frowned at the clearly panicked Willow.

"GO!" She hissed frantically.

"Okay?" Hunter slowly backed out of the room closing the door behind him. 

Willow let out a sigh of relief before turning to assess to problem.

"One, two, three in, One, two, three out." Willow used her fingers to count as she closed her eyes and took calming breaths.

Slowly the vines slid back down her legs, seemingly disappearing in thin air.

Hunter strode down the hallway to the living room.

"Hunter!" Gus smiled as Hunter made an appearance. 

Luz, Amity, and Gus were all playing a game on the tv.

"What'd you get up to." Luz giggled at Hunter staring at his hair.

"What?" Hunter tilted his head as Luz and Gus gave each other a smirk.

~🐦Crushed Flowers🌻~ {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now