🚹The Gender dilemma🚺

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Willow's eyes shot open, tilting herself she vomited water. Alot of it.

"You awake cara." Camila let out a sigh.

"YOUR ALIVE WILLOW!" Amity crashed down from the sand.

Willow didn't respond. She was still coughing up water.

"Are you okay?" Vee's gentle voice crept in front of Willow.

Willow layed her head back down on the sand. Closing her eyes. Her throat was scratchy and sore.

Her head hurt. And worse of all, her left arm felt as if was chopped off.

"Camila said you had no pulse!" Amity fretted, leaning over to look at Willow's closed eyes.

"Is Willow, okay?" Luz's concerned voice traveled closer and closer.

"She's not dead. I think?" Gus tapped Willow on the head. Amity flicked his hand away hissing him off.

"Good. Have any of you seen Hunter?" Camila rang.

"No. where is he?" Vee looked around the wide expensive beach.

The tan sand stretched for what seemed like miles. With blue waves nipping at the shore. People had umbrellas set up. Running and yelling enjoying the bright morning sun.

"What happened Willow?" Amity reached for Willow's left hand.

Willow let out a shriek of pure agony. 

"WHAT! WHAT! WHAT DID I DO!" Amity jumped back horrified. Willow's eyes had turned to slits. Her arm! It was on fire! Every inch of it was in tormented torcher of agony. 

"Her arm!" Vee grimaced. Willow's arms were bruised, as if she had tried to fight something. Sand had collected around the bloody bruised limb.

"What happened to you!" Gus jumped up as he peeked at her arm.

"I almost d-drowned." Willow hissed in misery.

"Luz, Gus go find Hunter." Camila order. Kneeling over Willow.

"Amity go get me some paper towels from the bathroom."

"And Vee, I should have some waterproof casting brandades in my bag." Everyone nodded and set out in different decoctions.

"You'll be okay Willow." Camila whispered in a calming tone.

Willow didn't feel like she was going to be okay. For all she knew, her arm was on literal fire. 

🐦Hunters POV:

Hunter and Gus were happily building a tower out of sand. But Gus noticed anytime water unexpectedly flicked on Hunter, he had a miny Panick attack.

"Hey Hunter, are you okay?" Gus patted more sand on the tower.

"Yeah... Why?"

"You just seem to freak out when water touches you." Gus wiped sweat off his forehead, being outside even in the morning was extremely hot. 

"Well, only if it randomly gets on me." Hunter looked down. Why did Gus have to ask this?

"Well, why?" Gus turned around to look out at the water. Was that Willow? A figure that resembled Willow was seemingly struggling to breath in the water.

"Wait! Let me go check on Willow. I'll be back!" Gus stood up without looking back at Hunter and bolted off.

Hunter cringed looking at the water. He couldn't help but remember when Belos had made him hover 10 inches away from the boiling sea. Burning his back so bad that a giant scar covered all of it.

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