🎈Happy Birthday🎂

193 2 14

Warning: Mentions of Character death, to much blood, self-deprecation, violence, possession, swearing, attempted murder, attempted suicide, murder. 

You might need to take a seat to read this chapter. 🪑

It was finally the day.

It was Willow's 16th birthday, and she couldn't be happier. The day before everyone had gotten back from vacation. And they were thrilled to be back 'home'.

As a birthday gift, Camila was taking Willow to get a haircut she'd been wanting.

(I decided to give Willow the haircut she has in last part of watching and dreaming, bc I live and breathe for that haircut. So now Image Willow in this story with short hair.)

"Hurry up Wills!" Luz sat impatiently by the front door. 

"What is taking that girl so long." Amity had tried her best to convince Willow not to cut her hair. After all, she did love braiding it. 

"I'll go check on her." Gus bounded up the stairs. 

"Willow! Girly! You're going to miss your hair appointment!" Gus decided to check the guest bedroom. 

"WILLOW! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LA...." Gus trailed off when he opened the door. 

"GUS!" Willow was kissing Hunter passionately on the bed. 

"OH MY TITAN! WHAT THE FUCK!" Gus turned around and bolted out of the room. 

"SHIT!" Willow facepalmed internally.

"Love you, I have to go." Willow gave Hunter's now bright red face a kiss and ran after Gus. 

"GUS! WE WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING WEIRD! I CAN EXSPLAIN!" Willow practically jumped down the stairs, chasing after the boy. 

Gus shot passed Amity and Luz, running out the front door. Willow supposed he was going to the car. 

"What did you do to him?" Amity grabbed her purse, walking out the front door with Luz and Willow following.

"He didn't knock!" Willow wanted to curl into a ball of embarrassment. 

"I have no clue what that means." Amity opened the car door, getting in next to Gus and Luz. Since Vee and Hunter weren't coming, Willow got to sit in the front.

"Why aren't Hunter and Vee coming?" Willow honestly was a little hurt Hunter didn't want to come. They were also going shopping for some cloths and school supplies. She would think Hunter would want to find a wolf themed item of some sort, but whatever. 

"Oh... Umm. Well... erm..." Luz was mumbling, Gus looked away, and Amity started humming like she didn't hear her. 

"They just wanted to catch up on some schoolwork." Camila smiled, keeping her gaze towards the road. 

Hunter's Pov

Hunter and Vee were in charge of setting up Willow's Suprise party.

"Hunter! Can you make sure the grapes and strawberries get washed?" Vee called from the dining room. She was opening a window so some fresh air could get in. 

Hunter was currently frosting a heart shaped cake. Amity and Luz were convinced that Willow would love a vintage themed cake. And of course, besides Willow. Hunter was the only one who knew how to bake. 

All the palismen were watching excitedly as Hunter piped on more frosting, 

"Yeah, let me just finish the cake!" Hunter called back. A few sprinkles here. And some diced up strawberries here. 

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