It's Not Easy Being Me (part 2)

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{Nicole in MM}

Edited by Vanessa

Nicole's POV

Somehow it seemed like time had froze when he turned back around to me. With the stupid smirk on his face, why oh why did he have to be so hot? If he wasn't so attractive then this would be so much easier for me.

People must have noticed that something was going on because they stopped and stared at us. Another thing I hate, being the center of attention and I have to share it with this ass.

I stared at him, most people in this school knew better than to say something like that to me. I start walking over to him and as I got closer I realized I'm like a kid compared to his height.

"Can you repeat that again? You must have been talking to one of these other girls" My attitude with him very clear in my voice as I spoke.

His smirk just grew bigger and he leaned down so were face to face now "So your fat and deaf too? Talk about a-"

I cut his words off as my hand connected to his face, hard when I punched him. I don't care that he's hot, it all turns ugly when he starts speaking.

"Next time you should keep you words to yourself" I turn my back on his now red face and walk over to Vanessa and gather all my books.

"I'll meet you at lunch" Is all I say to her as I walk off to my next class, still feeling a little pissed off at that guy.

I get to my class right on time as the bell had started ringing, signaling students to go to class now. I sat in the back of the class at the teacher took roll of everyone and I only spoke to say that I was here.

About 10 minutes into the call the door flies open and it's the ass himself. I didn't really think he would be in my class. The teacher yelled and went on about how he was late, but he wasn't paying attention. He just kept looking around the room until our eyes met.

I realized that only the only available chair is next to me, what a great honor, note the sarcasm.

My eyes followed him as he walk to the back of the room, he seemed to be moving slowly while I watched him. As he got closer I noticed that his cheek was still a little red from me hitting him earlier, that's what he gets.

Finally he sat down and I went back to listening to the teacher but while listening I felt a pair of eyes on me. I couldn't help but feel weirded out, I look up and see he's been staring at me the whole time.

Those blue eyes are amazing, makes me feel so plain with my dull brown ones "what are you looking at?" I whispered to him since we were still in class.

He just shrugged his shoulders and I guessed started texting on his phone. I figure this would be for the best anyway, he's an asshole.

Just like the rest a voice in my head reminded me


My morning classes went slowly for the most part with me discovering that the new boy name is Justin, he just moved here with his parents and is in all of my morning classes while Vanessa is in all my afternoon ones.

Great. Note the sarcasm.

I get to the cafeteria and looked around, I spot Vanessa near the back waving her hands in the air like a crazy person she acts like but that's why were best friends.

I get to the table and sit across from her, she already got lunch for the both of us I thanked her but before I could even take a bite all her questions start.

"What happened? Did he hurt you? Did he sexually assault you? Come on woman I need answers." She says in one breath and starts catching her breath again.

"Noooo...he didn't touch me but why are you asking so many questions?" I start eating my food.

She starts looking scared and nervous as she whispered "They said that the new boy is crazy and really bad. His parents moved him here so that he could stay out of trouble, but the worst thing is that he was kicked out of his last school for an unknown reason."

Listening as I ate I started to wonder "Vanessa, how did you find out about all these things?"

She smiles brightly and looked proud "I was ease dropping when his parents were in the office this morning. They were making arrangements with the principal."

She was about to continue until she looked behind me and her face went pale as if she seen a ghost. I turn around and there he is right behind me, staring down at me. With me sitting now, I felt so small.

"I want to talk to you" His deep voice does something to me, I would love to hear it all day.

"I'm busy" I turn back to talk with my friend, but suddenly I'm pulled up from my seat and dragged out the cafeteria. I look to Vanessa for help, but she fucking fainted! How could she let me go with the sexy douche that she said is bad herself?

I put up some type of fight, but he was very strong, If he would have hit me when I hit him this morning I would be in the nurses office. Once out the room we come to an empty hallway, most kids are at lunch and the rest are in class. I get put up against a locker and kinda actually get scared.

"What is he about to do? Is he going to beat me up for earlier?" My thoughts raced through my mind until I hear someone clear their throat. I look up and see him staring down at me, pissed off would be the way to describe how he looked.

He slammed both of his hands near my head, making noise echo into the empty hallway. Still staring at me I stared back, I mind as well act like how I usually do and put up a front. I probably don't look like I care on the outside but on the inside I'm a scared little girl.

He then moves his hands and cups my face with them as he leaned down to my height, his hand felt a little cold and rough but nice at the same time. By this point I was so confused, didn't he want to kill me?

"Finally have you alone now," He said with a smirk.

I only had one thing to say "what?"


Here's part two of chapter one

I hope you like the story and tell me who's your favorite character

Until next time


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