Confusing Feelings

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{Justin in MM}

Edited by Vanessa

Finally we have a new POV ^-^


Justin's POV

A new school year at a new school.

But someone like me doesn't have to worry about being the "new kid". Every school I go to I end up being popular, girls throwing themselves at me all the time. Sometimes it gets tiring but I can't help it if people love me so much.

I can understand why they do too, I'm athletic, smart, rich, and handsome. Yes I know I sound conceited because I am, I'll I care about is myself and that's all I need.

Coming to school was a waste of time for me too, I don't really have to and the only reason I do is so I'll kill time.


I'm already at school and I have some cheerleader following me around. It was annoying the fuck out of me.

Her name was Sandy or was it Rebecca? It doesn't really matter to me. She was a red head with a small body but a great chest. Maybe I'll call her later if I need her.

As I was talking to her I felt something hit my back, turning around I see some girl had fell on the floor. She looked up and she was the most beautiful girl I have seen in a long time or at least to me she was.

I was about to help her up but I just stared at her longer, she was a little chubby but was mostly thick. She was black also and I never been with a black girl or somebody her size. Her brown eyes are gorgeous and her lips looked so soft, I had to have her.

Then I realized I can't bee seen with her, people would make fun of me. Even though I don't care I really don't wanna deal with that bullshit so I said she was a fatty. It wasn't true and as soon as I said it, I regretted it, she looked hurt by my words.

But that look came and went so fast, now she's pissed off. She's a feisty one, even though I said hurtful things she defended herself and even punched me in the face. I watched her walk away with my cheek still sore, she has one hell of a right hook.

I needed her


I got to my first class a little late, the teacher started talking my head off, but I was looking for her. Looking around the class and I finally spotted her, she was so beautiful, too bad we had to be in the same school.

I sat next to her and stared at her, well I didn't realize I was until she pointed it out. I didn't need her knowing I liked her so I just went on my phone, texting that cheerleader from this morning. I need to get my mind off her.

Throughout the morning I felt like a fucking creep, all I have been doing is staring at her during class and asking people about her.

Some guy name Kevin was next to me so I asked him all my questions.

Kevin: "Well her name is Nicole, nobody really knows much about her except that she has a temper. The only people that talk to her are the teachers and that girl Vanessa."

So that was the other girl that was with her.

Kevin: "So it's true"

Justin: "What's true?"

Kevin: "That she punched you in the face this morning and now you're going to kill her after school. I mean if you are nobody will care, she's a fat nobody" he started laughing.

I had to bite my tongue, I didn't want him talking about her, but he couldn't know that I cared.

Justin: "Yeah sure"

He just laughed and patted me on the back, telling me I was doing the school a favor. From what I gathered she was not friendly and when people messed with her she took care of it herself. By last year nobody tried testing her, I was the first in a while.


Lunch finally came and she was there with her friend, Verona was her name I think. I walk over to their table, I had to talk to her. I stood behind her and seen her friend looked sick, why? I don't know.

"I need to talk to you" I was hoping she wouldn't give me trouble.

"I'm busy" Of course she doesn't want to talk to me so I took matters into my own hands and pulled her up, taking her out to the hallway with me. She kept fighting me and it was getting on my nerves.

As soon as I got her in the hallway I put her up against the lockers and stared down at her, she's so beautiful. I put my hands around her so she won't move around, the halls were so quiet and it was just us, perfect.

"Finally I have you alone now" I smirked, there was nobody watching us as I took her face in my hands.

She looked confused at me and it somehow made her even cuter "what?"

I wanted to be closer to her and moved down to her height, staring in her eyes then down at her lips, they looked so soft. Without thinking I kissed her, may not have been the smartest thing I ever did because as soon as I did she started hitting me.

I didn't want to stop so I gripped her arms and held them. So she stopped struggling and kissed back, I had many girls kiss me but this had to be the best, our lips moved perfectly together.

We kept going until we both needed air, I was breathless and so was she. I was about to kiss her again, but the bell when off distracting me and out of nowhere I felt something slap me.

Looking down it was her, she moved out of me grip and ran off somewhere leaving me in the hallway as students started filling it up.

I had only one thought in mind, 'what the hell?'


Well, that was something huh?

I hope you like the story so far and tell me what you think

Until next time


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