I Don't Understand you (Part 2)

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Justin's POV

Edited by Vanessa

I stared at her, she held her head down and was quiet, not making a noise. I was starting to get worried, she been like this for 10 minutes and I was scared to touch her. Finally, I put my hand on her shoulder gently and she looked up at me with sadness in her eyes and tears all over her cheeks "Take me home" she whispered.

"What's wrong? Why are you cry I-"

"JUST TAKE ME FUCKING HOME," she said as even more tears rolled down her cheeks, I feel like a string is pulling at my heart, I don't wanna see her like this ever. I wanted to see the feisty side that she showed me when we first met.

"Alright, I'll take you home. Just come down to the living room to get your dress" I go and see if my mom had Nicole's dress dry, she did and there was a note next to it.

'Hey honey, I hope you weren't planning on going out far today because my car is in the shop till Monday and I took yours so I could get to work. I'm so sorry, but at least you can get to know that pretty girl that was in your room last night :-))

Love, Mom

P.S, Don't screw this one up she's a keeper'

I smiled at the note, my mom always has good judgment with girls I've been with. She always hates the girls that I bought home, all she had to do was look at them and then she knew they were bad for me so for her to already like Nicole without talking to her was good.

But now I have a problem, I have a pissed off a girl in my room that I can't even take home now that my mom has my car. This was great for me, I like- no love being near her, she was so beautiful, her brown eyes, beautiful body and she always smelled like vanilla. I just wanna hold her in my arms forever and give her all my love, god she's the only girl I think about.

I make my way up to my room and knock on the door "Come in" her voice was clearer now, she must have stopped crying. I come in and see her sitting on my bed with her legs closed, her eyes were a little puffy, but she did stop crying.

"Well your dress is dry but I have some bad news. My mom has my car so I can't take you home till she gets back with it" her face had frowned up and she folded her arms over her chest. I wonder how big her chest is?

"I'll walk home. How far are we?"

"From your house? A few miles."

"I can walk a few miles" Is she serious? She doesn't want to be with me that badly?

'You know it's your fault she doesn't' a little voice in the back of my head tells me.

I get closer to her and she tries to move, but I take her hand in mine making her freeze "Look I been needing to tell you this, I'm sorry. I was an asshole to you for no reason and said those things to you and I don't even believe them myself. In fact think your beautiful."

She looked at me, I could see a few emotions she was trying to hide. Sadness, anger, and something else I can't really name "I don't know what to say" she whispered.

"How about we start over and maybe we can be friends too?" I give her a warm smile, but she still looked unsure.

"Alright I guess but if this is a trick or you trying to play me I will do more then slap you next time" my smile widened as I can hear my mom's words,

'Don't screw this one up'

The hand that I was holding I start to shake "Hi I'm Justin."

she gave me a smile, an actual smile and it was beautiful "Hey I'm Nicole."


I know I should have been updated, but I had a few papers due for my classes, but now I'm back.

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Until next time


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