Tonight Was Our Night

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{Not edited}

Nicole's POV

I was laying back on my bed with the biggest smile on my face with Vanessa and Maya in my ear, trying to find out why I'm so happy.

Usually I would have told them to be quiet by now but I'm just so happy that I don't even care about their annoying questions

They both wanted to know how our date went and it only pissed them off that I haven't told them anything yet. Finally Vanessa gets tired of waiting and slapped me on the forehead

"Hey! Will you tell us?!" Vanessa asked me as I smiled and start to tell them everything

~2 hours earlier~

Once I got into the car I made sure to thank Justin for being a gentleman, most guys don't know how to do that anymore

During the car ride we talked about our day so far. He told me how he just got finished practice and I just had a boring day as usual.

Soon we arrive at a restaurant, he was the prefect gentleman and he wanted to pay for anything I wanted.

"You look beautiful tonight" He practically told me that every chance that he got. I'm not one for compliments but it doesn't hurt to hear that.

Dinner went smoothly and after dinner we went out for a walk in the park, mostly talking about random things that didn't make sense at all but I was having so much fun that I didn't care.

But soon Justin stopped suddenly and looked to me, he took my hands in his and entwined our fingers together.

"Nicole, would you ever consider being my girl?"

The question blindsided me completely, I didn't expect him to ask since this was our first date and all.

"I...I...I have to think about it"

That's the only thing I could say. I'm not sure if I'm ready to have another boyfriend yet. I saw a look in Justin's eyes, a look of sadness that made me feel slightly guilty that I couldn't decide my own feelings.

I know that it's something with myself and I'm not sure if I can handle another heartbreak if it happens.

The nights mood seemed to shift and Justin decided to take me home which I'm glad. The date was great but his question makes things slightly awkward.

The drive home was mostly quiet with both of us thinking to ourselves. I thought about what a relationship with him would be like and for the most part I can see myself happy.

Once we get back to my house he walked me to my door.

"I had a good time tonight."

"Me too, thank you for taking me out."

We smile at each other as I turn to unlock my door but suddenly I'm turned around. Justin pulled me into a kiss, it made my eyes widen and I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach.

It's been sometime since I had this feeling.

We continued to kiss each other as things got heated quickly. He pressed me up againswantinwall and deepened the kiss, nibbling and biting on my bottom lip. He was much more aggressive with this kiss and when he finally pulled away I couldn't help wanting more.

"Goodnight Nicole."

Justin whispered in my ear and with that he left me there feeling mostly flustered. If I where lighter my face would have been red.

~Flashback over~

Maya and Vanessa both had shocked looked on their faces.

"Are you for real? Oh my god girl!"

Vanessa is the first one to speak as she has a big smile on her face. But soon it turns into one of anger.

"Why didn't you say yes?! You like him, he likes you! Fucking date already!" She tells me.

Maya held a hand to her chest and looked shocked by Vanessa's sudden outburst, she should get used to Vanessa's volume.

"Anyway she is right, why didn't you say yes?"

Maya asked me as I sighed, I knew that they would ask me.

"Because I don't know if it will work out, I just don't want to be hurt again by some guy that pretended to like me."

I tell both of them which I see them nodded in understanding which made me feel a bit better. At least they understand why.

"Now that we got that out the way, let's watch a movie!"

Maya suggested and we both agreed since there's nothing else to doas


Justin's POV

That date was amazing, it's been awhile since I was actually serious about a girl. Nicole, she is really the best and she actually can make me happy.

I get back to my house and see someone sitting in front of the door. I know it's not my mom, she has her own key for the door. As I get out of the car the girl hops up and I see red hair.


"Justin, I have been waiting for you to get home!"

Sandy said as she threw herself at me and smiles wide, I notice that she's wearing a mini skirt and tank top as I realized that she is only here for one thing.

"We're not doing this again."

I tell her firmly and practically pushed her off me. I try going in my house but this girl is persistent.

"Come on, I know that you miss me. If you really wanted me to go away you would have lost my number by now."

Sandy steps closer and pressed her chest up against my back.

"Besides, I don't think that miss. Piggy would be happy knowing that while your seeing her we're sleeping together"

She whispered to me and I could feel the smirk on her face.

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"I'm not blackmailing you, I just want to make a deal with you. Keep seeing me, but if you don't it would be very unfortunate for Nicole to find out how much of an asshole you really are."

She tells me which I can feel her fingers tracing my back carelessly. My head hits the front door, what do I do? This is a lose/lose for me no matter what I do.

"So, will you let me in?"

She asked into my ear, her voice made me sick. I unlocked the front door and opened it for both of us.

"Go in before I change my mind."

She comes in front of me and has a smile on her lips, she leaves straight up to my room after giving a few more words.

"I knew you would make the right choice."

I run my hand through my hair, my night is over with Nicole and so is my mood.


Hey everyone! I decided to release the chapter early, I got it done much faster then I thought so here's a gift from me to you.

And thank you for all the kind words that everyone had for me in the last update, it made me feel a whole lot better and helped me finished this chapter. So, you can thank all the supporters.

Well I hope that you like this chapter, and there may be another before the week is completely out.

Up vote and comment if you like the story.

Until next time.


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