Home is where love is suppose to be

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{Nicole's mom Destine in MM}


Edited by Vanessa

Nicole's POV

By the time I had stopped and stared at him it was pouring rain outside, My clothes and hair now wet from just standing there "Why should I get in the car with you? Walking is better than being with you."

His face got slightly pink and he opened the passenger door "Please get in the damn car. You'll get sick if you walk."

I really didn't feel like being in the car with him, but I also didn't want to walk home. You could hear thunder around us, this rain is not stopping anytime soon. I make my way into the car and sit down next to him as I close the door, he starts driving as soon as I'm in the car.

This was the most awkwardness I have ever felt in awhile, the last time I felt like this was when my dad had to explain to me what my period was and how to use a pad.

I gave him the directions to my house and then it was complete silences, excepted for the rain of course. I looked out the window as I see the pouring rain and cars passing by. We were half way to my house when he decided the silence wasn't good enough.

"Why did you slap me after our kiss?" I hesitated with answering and looked over at him, he wasn't looking at me and stayed paying attention to the road, but he was gripping the steering wheel tightly as his knuckles turned white.

"Because...you can't just kiss someone" Please hurry up and take me home, it seemed like he was driving extra slow now.

"But you enjoyed it, I could tell. You must feel something right" I can feel my face getting hot and I'm just glad I'm not light skin. What the hell is he going on about? Vanessa words started playing back in my head.

"He likes you, you can tell or at least I can. He's being mean as a cover up for his feelings about you."

"No, I didn't like the kiss. I was just surprised that you did." At least I'm not lying to myself. I don't have time for someone playing my feelings again. We finally got to my house, I hope my mom is out today.

"Look I don't know what you're trying to do but I'm not somebodies quick fuck. I don't need you or anyone else playing with my emotions so-" I was so into my rant that I didn't even realize he moved close and he kissed me again, but it was different than before.

This kiss made my heart flutter and skip a beat, it was filled with passion and love, something I haven't felt in awhile. I kissed him back as I put my hand into his hair, I turned his kiss into a make out session. We kept going until we both needed air, that was something.

We stared at each other, it felt like we were staring for hours, but it was probably a few minutes. I finally get myself together and open the door as I say "Goodbye Justin."

But before I get out the door he grabs my hand, I turned and see him looking at me "I like a challenge" he said as let go of me smirking and I get out the car, closing the door behind me. What did he mean by that?

I walk to my door and opened it, once I do I see him pulled off.


Coming home was not the best thing in the world but it did still feel like home to me.

I looked around and see the bottle my mom had thrown at the door was broken and glass was scattered all over the floor, sighing as I go and get the broom and dust pan so I can clean all the glass up. Once I finished I throw all the glass away and see my mom coming down the stairs, I didn't even know she was here.

She looked at me like I was gum on the bottom of her heel "Oh. The fat ass is home" She said in disgust, She was wearing a mini black dress that barely covered her body and her face caked with makeup. I guess she's going out today.

"Tell your dad that I'm visiting my mother if he asked and if you don't I'm gonna tell him how you go out at night. Your fat ass can't sneak out anywhere" She laughed and smacked me over the head hard when she walked past to the door. "Also and if you ignore me again like this morning I'll hit your harder than that."

On that note, she walked out the door and slammed it hard when she closed it, causing a picture on the wall to fall down. Walking over and picking it up I see it's a picture of me, my mom, and my dad when I was 5. We were a happy family back then.

I put the picture back up and start making dinner for me and dad, hopefully, he will get home soon. Once I finish dinner I see it's now dark out and I got a text message from my dad.

"I'm working late tonight baby, I won't be home till around 1 am. If you made dinner just put mine up and I'll have it when I get there. Love you and see you in the morning-dad."

Texting him back "love you too" as I go and put away his food. I don't know what his job is, but I hope he is safe, but I have this feeling something may happen to him tonight.

I'm not really in the mood for eating so I go and take a shower and get ready for bed as soon as my body is under the cover, sleep overtakes me.



Are you kidding me right now? I look up at my clock and it reads 12:45 am, the banging on the door keeps going so I put on a robe and go downstairs. This just better be important.

Opening the door I see my mom standing there, naked, beaten and crying "Nicole" she says as she collapses into my arms.

What happened to you, mom?


Another chapter finished

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Until next time


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