A New Best Friend?

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Justin's POV

I was in my room staining at the ceiling when my phone went off, I answer it without looking to stop the ringing "Hello? Who is this?" Sandy was over and laying right next to me, I don't need her getting up right now to annoy me 

"It's Nicole, are you doing anything right now?" I was shocked, usually we only talk outside of school when we text each other

"Yeah i'm free. Why?"

"I just really need someone to talk now" She calls me to talk? Why not Vanessa? But i'm not complaining, I like spending time with her every chance I get "So yes? Or..." I didn't even realize that I was just laying here thinking about her

"Oh yeah but let's talk in person instead, i'll pick you up in 10 minutes" I hung up the phone before she could say anything because I know she would probably say no or never mind. I get out of bed and throw on a pair of jeans with a black t-shirt, I grab my keys and wallet as I head out the door

I don't know why I try with Nicole, she is nothing like any of the girls I had dated. I was never into black girls before, never the unpopular type or thicker ones. Did I like her because she was different and all? She defiantly caught my attention that first day

With all my thinking I didn't even realize that I pulled up to her house and she was already outside. She was only in a sweat shirt and tights but still looked great, after she got in the car she looked at me for a moment and then punched my arm "That's for hanging up on me" That actually hurt, this girl has some arm on her

"Shit, you didn't have to hit me" she just rolled her eyes as I start to drive again, I decided to bring her to a ice cream parlor that I would go to with my mom. I never bought any girl that was just a quickie here, I guess its special to me since my mom had gave me ice cream to feel better

We walk into the parlor and its empty besides a guy that looks our age behind the counter

"Welcome to Sam's Ice Cream Parlor"

I order mine first "I'll have a banana split, extra large"

"And i'll have a vanilla and chocolate swirl on a waffle cone"

He nodded his head "One banana split and one waffle cone for the pretty lady" He said smiling at Nicole and gave her a wink then started our ice creams. Now usually i'm not the jealous type but something about how he looked at her pissed me off, wait what am I thinking? I have a girlfriend, unfortunately 

I was annoyed of the guy and was about to rush him but my phone went off, looking at it and see that Sandy sent me a text, of course 

Sandy: "Baeeeeeee where are you? I miss you in bed with me ;-)"

Justin: "I'm out helping a friend. I don't know when i'll be back so go home"

Sandy: "It better not be that girl Nikki, I don't like you being around her without me"

Justin: "It's Nicole and she's a friend"

Sandy: "Oh so you remember her name? Also you always spending time with her, your probably fucking her now"

Justin: "No i'm not fucking her and we can talk about this later"

I had put my phone on vibrate after that, I know she will keep texting me if I don't respond but I do not have any time for her. I look up to see that Nicole and the guy became fucking buddies now, he was smiling and she was laughing. He gave her our ice creams and I grab her arm and drag her out, I was sick of that asshole 

"Justin what the fuck? I was talking" I rolled my eyes, like I could give two shits about their conversation. I take my ice cream as I eat and start walking and she walks beside me doing the same, it was a kinda awkward silence as we walked but probably better then trying to talk as we finished 

"Justin?" I was hoping to keep the quiet and peace but I guess not


"I'm ready to talk now but I want you to just listen...I will ask you if I want your input"

"Alright i'm listening" I wasn't sure what she was about to tell me. Is it gonna be a confession? I know it can't be that bad since she came to me

"A few years ago I had a ex, he was the first guy to like me for me. Even with all my flaws and problems I had at the time he still liked me, everything seemed perfect. But about a year after we had started dating everything went downhill, he was breaking into my house over and over, stalking me, tracking my phone. When I found all that out I broke up with him and at the time I was with a friend after I did, he wasn't happy and a few minutes later he came over with a gun and..."

Her voice started cracking and she had tears rolling down her face, she kept trying to wipe them away but it seemed like more would come. I was going to tell her to stop but she kept going

"He pretty much killed him and front of me, I remember screaming and crying as he told me 'It was my fault for not loving him'. I still have nightmares about it but with him killing different people sometimes, it really messed me up I drunk a lot and blamed myself for his death. My ex then 'went missing' for awhile and I talked to Vanessa today. She said she knew about him because he was family and he is coming back, I don't think I can deal with him anymore" 

She continued to cry, I was pissed off and felt sad for her. I never had wanted to kill a person for a girl but now I want to kill this guy for her. I wasn't good with comforting people but I don't want her to keep crying, I stop her and pull her into my arms as I hold her close. She kept crying in my arms as I rub her back gently, it felt like the right thing to do

Nicole, she makes me act different. The only woman that I care about is my mom, if this was some other girl I know I would not care about her but she's different

We stood there for awhile as her crying had died down slowly and finally she had finally stopped and held onto me. It was nice to have her in my arms, It felt right and a lot better then when I hold Sandy like this

"Are you ready to go home?" she nodded and I took her hand as we both walked back to my car

"Thanks for tonight Justin"


Sorry for the wait guys, I had been on vacation and just got back yesterday. I made this a long chapter to make up for it and I'm hoping to do another chapter this week 

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Until next time


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