Starting Fresh

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{Not edited}

Nicole's POV

It's been almost a month but three weeks to be correct since me and Justin broke up, all I have been doing is moping around and staying in my house.

My mom has been even getting out of the house more then me. That's just depressing, especially since I'm so outgoing.

It's Friday night and I'm stuck at home, I'm used to going out but I just didn't feel like it. I just felt like crap and wanted to sleep.

I look over to my dresser, the yellow envelope still there.

I didn't want to believe that Justin cheated on me but the proof is in that envelope.

~Flashback three weeks ago~

I leave through the doors of the school, still pissed off from what Vanessa told me. I have my bag on my arm and the yellow envelope in my hand.

Vanessa comes out yelling for me to stop.


Vanessa screamed out as she ran after me, finally I stopped at the end of the parking lot. My tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm so fucking stupid! How could this happen again?!"

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and breath deeply. I needed to get myself together, I couldn't be crying over some guy.

"Nicole, you are not stupid! The only Idiot in this is Justin for not seeing how amazing of a girl you are. If he is willing to go with some cheerleading slut then he didn't deserve you in the first place!"


"Of course, if I went that way I would definitely date you."

Vanessa smiles brightly and I couldn't help but laugh. She always knows how to make me feel better no matter what happens.

I wiped my tears away and sighed, breakups always suck. I really was feeling Justin too. Maybe he wasn't feeling me back.

"Oh Nicole, what is that envelope?"

"I'm not sure. I found it inside my locker and it had my name on it."

Vanessa nodded and soon takes the envelop out my hand. She smiles at me when I try to take it away. She started to open it as she speaks.

"Don't worry I just want to see what is inside-"

Vanessa stopped speaking as she pulled out something that looked like a picture. She looked angry and upset with it.

"Well I guess I was right... You probably shouldn't look at this..."

She looked upset still and I take the picture from her. I felt as if my heart stopped and I didn't want to believe my eyes. It's a picture of Justin with another girl in bed.

A sick feeling over came me. Anger and sadness. Most of it was for Justin of course, but part of it was for myself. I hated that I put myself in this position, in a fucked up relationship. Maybe I would be better off alone.

I did my best not to cry. But tears still welled up in my eyes as I think about everything over and over again. I feel Vanessa hand on my shoulder and looked up, I give her a sad smile.

"Don't worry I'm fine. What do I look like crying over some dude, right? Were still in highschool, I don't need anyone anyway!"

Even though I tried to act fine my face told it all. My cheeks are wet and tears are flowing from my eyes.

"Damn it...why?"

I hated crying, my eyes get all puffy. I'm just glad that I don't wear make up or I would be pissed off. Vanessa walked over and gave me a hug and squeezed me gently. She was always there for me, she didn't even have to say anything and it would help.

Soon I bursted into fucking tears while Vanessa consoles me with just a hug.

~Flashback over~

I glared at the envelop, I should burn that thing.

My phone buzzed and I looked to see that it's another message from Justin. Just like the others I ignored it and throw my phone across the bed.

But as soon as I do it goes off again but this time it's a phone call. Without looking to see who it was I assumed it's Justin.

"Look, we are over Justin! If you keep calling my phone-"

"Well I'm not Justin but what were you going to do if it was?"

I started smiling as I hear Maya on the other end.

"So what exactly were you going to do? I imagine someone's tires getting slashed!"

I rolled my eyes but still smiled, I needed someone to talk with and Maya was the perfect person. She was always cheerful and joking, perfect to lift my sprites.

"Don't worry about it, but that is a good idea."

I could hear her laughing in the other end as I lay back into my pillows, looking up to my ceiling.

"So girl... We are worried about you, you have been keeping yourself in the home with that devil woman!"

Maya said dramatically and I know the devil woman is my mother.

"You need to get out the house asap, no if, ands, or buts about it. If you spend another night in there I will drag you out if I have to!"

She declared and I could picture her trying but I didn't think that she would be successful. But she did have a point. All I have been doing is go to school and home. The more I think about it the more I realized that I need to get out of this house.

"There is a party tonight that I'm throwing and Vanessa is coming, you should come too."

I hesitate, she is a cheerleader but she doesn't really like the others. Especially that bitch. I sighed and sit up, looking over to my closet.

"I guess it's time to get out."

Hello everyone!

I missed you guys so much! I see all the love and votes that you give this story and trust me I know. I read every comment, appreciated every follow, and love the votes.

School has been kicking my ass but I'm finishing up and will be able to deliver more chapters for you lovely people.

I will be working on the next chapter and have it out asap! I think all of you deserve more but sometimes personal life gets in the way.

But I will be seeing you guys soon for the next chapter that should be out this week too! Please vote the chapter if you like, I do appreciate them!

Until next time


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