A Unfortunate Meeting

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Nicole's POV

"What do you think of this?" Maya said as she held up a red mini dress, I wasn't really into fashion but the dress was cute but not for someone my shape

"It's alright I guess" she frowned at me and looked for other clothes to buy with the dress. I couldn't help but wonder what Vanessa and Justin were doing, she was acting like the weird she is earlier when we were walking 

I told Maya and Vanessa about my crush on Justin, they teased me for days about it. Talking about how i'm in love and we will have swirl babies. These girls will be the death of me one day, we are not even dating and they are already talking about out life together in the future

They are crazy but I love them

Maya finally came back with arms full of clothes and a huge smile on her face "I'm buying all of these" she told me as she made her way to the cash register, we may need to have a intervention for her. She just went shopping a day ago like this

After paying we left the store and Maya had both hands full of bags as we started walking again

"You know you will end up broke fast this way right?"

"No! These are all the things I need to have! I already wore all the clothes in my closet" she scuffed. Maya is pretty much rich, her mom is a lawyer while even though her dad is not in her life owns a record label. He sends her money to make up for the years of neglect, I wish I could get those benefits for my mama

"You still shouldn't spend all your money on clothes"  I try to explain to her but she just rolled her eyes and tells me she has the money to do it

I sighed in defeat as we continued through the mall, I didn't buy anything today since I don't need nothing. I don't understand how people could just go shopping all day, crowded places, annoying kids, people that work at the store and don't know what their doing 

Ugh...Hate the mall

Suddenly I hear my phone go off and its Vanessa texting me


Oh god what is it now? Vanessa is always over dramatic, she can text me like this and it will be about how she found a puppy outside 

"Come on, Vanessa is freaking out about something"

"Did she find another dog?" we both start laughing, Maya may have just became our friends but she already knows us well

"No she didn't say but lets just go before she blows up my phone" we change directions and make our way out of the mall. Honestly I am so happy to hear that we are leaving since this place doesn't seem to be getting any emptier

We had continued to walk and my phone kept going off over and over again "Can you please tell her we are on our way" Maya said laughing as I check my phone again, making me slow down my walking

Vanessa: NICOLE!!!

Vanessa: HURRY!!!



I couldn't even finish reading my message when I was pulled and yanking into a bathroom, forced against a wall. I tried to scream but a hand covered my mouth "Hello my love" That voice, looking up I see my nightmare in person "I missed you so much. You looked so beautiful" I feel sick, like i'm gonna throw up

"You let your hair grow out, it looks great on you" he started petting my hair and I busted into tears, why is he even here? I was getting along fine with everything and now I feel like i'm having a emotional break down

"Now i'm going to take off my hand, don't scream" he removed his hand slowly and I was frozen in fear "I'm not going to be here for long but I had to see you again" he said leaning into my body and I tried pushing him off but he is a lot stronger then I remember, pinning me to the wall easily. He smiled at me as his lips crashed onto mine as my eyes widen

Vanessa's POV 

Me and Justin were outside, waiting for Nicole when I finally see Maya come out with a bunch of shopping bags "Where is Nicole?"

"I don't know. We were walking out and she went off somewhere in the mall"

"Fine lets just wait. She probably just went into a store" And we all waited

5 minutes turn to 10

10 minutes to 20 

30 minutes past

 I was just about to go back into the mall when Nicole comes out hand and hand with Marcus...What the fuck happened in that time period?!


Hello everyone 

I know I was suppose to update sooner but I am about to go on a trip and have been very busy getting ready for it. Today was my last free day before I go away and I have been literally thinking and typing up the last three chapters for y'all because I won't be able to update for a week or so. I think the trip can be a good thing for me and help me get new ideas for the story. I didn't want to leave you guys that read regular without a update so I done three, one for last week, this week, and next week. I will update the next chapter as soon as I can but it will be some time before I do

But anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this mass update that I gave you. If you like upvote, have a comment then leave one, i'm new to writing so any pointers or suggestions or even complaints are good. It will make me a better writer

Until next time


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