My Feelings

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Nicole's POV

Crawling, like something is on me

I had moved my legs and it appeared to stop. Relaxing as I try to go back to sleep again

Crawling again, but it felt like hands this time. Two strong ones

I tried moving my legs again but I can't move them anymore. I don't even have feeling in them anymore

"Nicole, Nicole, Nicole...when will you learn?" That voice, I knew that voice too well. How could I forget it

In between my legs I felt someone there, this is not good. I tried moving again but my body felt like a brick and I couldn't move at all "Why don't you love me?" I hear him ask, I felt like I was about to start crying. I can't move, all I can do is look around and speak

I was not speaking to this fucker

His hands were all over my legs moving higher and higher when I realized i'm naked. That's when my fears got worse. He came out from under the blanket and was right on top of me "Marcus please..." I could barley speak and I can't deal with him. Tears started rolling down my face and he wiped them away 

"I love you so much Nicole. You are the love of my life and now i'm going to make love to you" continuing to cry as I tried moving around but it seemed useless at this point but I was still going to fight back. Suddenly I feel lips on mine and something pressing up onto my thigh, he pulled away from the kiss smiling "Are you ready?"  I feel him pressing directly onto me. No, please no

I feel him starting to go inside and I manage to scream

"STOP!" I screamed as sit up in my bed, my face was wet and my heart was pounding in my chest. It was just a nightmare, thank god. Rubbing my eyes as I relaxed slightly, I have been having these nightmares since Vanessa said he's basically coming after me now. I got to the bathroom and look in the mirror, my eyes red from crying and my hair a mess, I haven't got any sleep in a week. The most that I would get is three hours

I finished cleaning off my face and got back into my bed, tired and feeling like shit. I make myself go back to sleep, the only thing that was good right now is that its finally the weekend

Life sucks right now

Justin's POV

"I'M SICK OF ALL YOUR BULLSHIT!" A loud Sandy screamed into my face as she picked up all her scattered clothes off the floor, this is our third fight today and now she's doing her storm out. Once dressed she had looked at me with tears rolling down her face

"I-I think w-we need a b-break" Her voice was horse from all her yelling and she continued " I k-knew you were a p-player and I thought I-I could change you but y-your just an ass" The last part made me start chuckling, how can I take her seriously with that voice and her face was priceless when I started laughing 

"Well you should have known better so you can get your shit and go" I really couldn't give a fuck about her feelings and even if I did care at one point I don't anymore

"FUCK YOU JUSTIN!" she screamed and finally left out my room with all her things and soon after I hear the front door slam close. It may have not been the best thing to fight in the middle of the night, I'm glad my mom is at work because I don't need her hearing bullshit

I'm use to my relationships ending like this, either with me getting cursed out for not caring or them finding out I cheated on them and then get cursed out. I check my phone and see I have different messages from different people

Grace: Three new messages

Amanda: Two new messages

Diana: Three new messages

Kevin: One new message

Mom: One new message

Nicole: One new message 

Nicole's name surprised me, usually i'm the one that reaches out and tries to text her first but this was a pleasant surprise and of course that was the first one I read

Nicole: Hey, are you doing anything this weekend? If not do you wanna hangout with me and Vanessa?

Justin: Yeah we can i'm not doing anything this weekend

The only other message that I had checked was the one from my mom

Mom: Hey sweetie :-)) I just wanted to tell you that your dad will be coming home soon with your sister. Can you try getting along with her? I know you and her fight in the past but you are both older now so please try

Justin: I'll try but if anything happens its her fault

My sister is older, in college and out of my life. She got pissed off at me because the last time she came home it was with her friend and I fucked her. She was mad because apparently her friend had a boyfriend but I was never told that. They got into a fight and now are not friends anymore, honestly I really didn't give a fuck about the situation but now every time she comes back she starts shit with me

I lay back in my bed and stare up at the ceiling, hopefully this next visit won't be too bad

Vanessa's POV

We were all together and I am so happy 

Me, Nicole, Justin, and we also Invited Maya with us. All we were doing was walking around the mall, it was crowded but of course it was since its Saturday. I thought Justin would think its weird hangout with girls and him being the only boy but he said and I quote 'I only came to find a new girl and if not I have one of you three' Which earned him a slap in the back of the head from Nicole

But when I heard him say that I got excited, he's single now! Nicole and him can get together now! My best friend deserves some love and Justin may not be the best but he's a hell of a lot better then Marcus crazy ass

I have been avoiding him too, I was suppose to talk with him but no

I start walking slower so I can walk at the same pace as Justin "So...Do you like Nicole?" I asked nonchalantly, I thought it was normal question but he looked at me like I was crazy

"What?" he asked 

"Do you like Nicole? Yes or no?" he acts like it was so hard to answer

We walked in silents for a moment and he sighed "Yes I like her but-" he couldn't even finish because I started squealing and getting excited. If i'm happy I express it and I stared hopping up and down, clapping my hands together like a crazy person

Nicole and Maya looked back to us "Okay let's leave because I don't know this crazy girl" I hear Nicole say as her and Maya speed walked away from us, going further into the mall

"Vanessa" I finally stop my happy dance when Justin called me "But I was staying that you can't tell her. I know what she been through with her last boyfriend and I don't know if she's ready yet" He knows about Marcus too?! Its meant to be everyone 

"She must like you, the only person that knows about Marcus is me. She didn't even tell Maya about him" He looked surprised by my words but I also had to set him straight "If you two get together and you hurt her, I will stab you" 

I was dead serious

"Don't worry I won't" good, I will not have to stab anyone. Hopefully 

We will get along great. Me and him continued walking to find the others when I hear someone calling my name 




Oh no, that voice is Arial. I turn around and see her running over to us and right behind her is Marcus       

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