The Past Is Not Always Good (Part 2)

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{Marcus in MM} Edited by Vanessa

2 years ago {Nicole's POV}

I had about 3 glasses of wine at dinner to calm myself down, the first one was bitter, but the other two went down smoothly as I ate. I was scared, Marcus seems like such a great guy or at least he acts like a great guy to me. We were about to leave, but his aunt came over with a little black box, his aunt shot me a wink and left us alone again. Oh god is their a ring in there?

Marcus took my hand and gave me a million dollar smile that makes my heart flutter and melt, he opened the box to show me a diamond ring and it looked real too.

"Nicole, I have met a few different girls in my past, but none of them compared to you. Your special to me and I would love it if you would be my girl" I felt my heart skip a beat at his words, that was the sweetest thing I guy ever had said to me before. But then it felt like time had froze too and I remembered what happened earlier and it made me scared. Could I deal with something like that as his girlfriend?

I hesitant but finally I give it a chance "Yes I'll be your girl."

He pulled me in and we had our first kiss, it was magical. I felt like fireworks were going off in my head as we did, suddenly I hear aww's and clapping around me. I pull away and pretty much everyone in the restaurant was watching us, I sit back embarrassed and Marcus takes my hand as he put the ring on my ring finger.

Tonight was perfect.

Marcus was taking me home now, I tried to give him the ring back so many times, but he wouldn't take it. I even tried slipping it in his pocket, but he just would put it back on my finger "That's where it belongs."

We get to my house and this is one time I can honestly say I'm happy with life, I start to leave,but he pulls me back for a kiss that leaves me breathless "Goodnight beautiful" he said with his perfect smile. I got out the car and get in my house, I look back outside to see him wave at me then pull off. Closing the door with a smile on my face as I locked it then go upstairs, ignoring my passed out mother on the couch.

I get my shower and get into bed, I look at my phone and see it's already midnight. Wow, time really does fly by when you're having fun. I decided to text Vanessa "Hey" and she called me as soon as the text went through.

I told her everything, I mean I have to since she will never let me hear the end of this if I don't. As I tell her about the ring he gave me it sounded like the phone went dead "Vanessa? Hello?"

I was about to hang up the phone when I hear a voice say "I'm here I just almost fainted" I start shaking my head, this girl. I finish talking to her and she tells me she has doubts about our relationship, I thought at least she would support me, but regardless I fell asleep with a smile on my face and Marcus on my mind.

Marcus POV

Nicole, she's perfect. Everything about her is perfect she is different from the other girls that I dated, they couldn't handle my affection and I know she will be able to.

I leave her house and make my way to my house, taking out my phone and calling my best friend Z. He picks up on the first ring "Did you find the girl?"

"Yeah we got her, she's a blonde right?" I smirked as I get onto the freeway, I don't tolerate anyone disrespecting what's mine. Especially my girl.

"Make sure to take care of her, I don't have time to waste it on that bitch" I hear crying in the background, I guess I was on speaker, but I didn't give a fuck about that "After your done with her meet me at my house for the meeting" and with that I hung up the phone and got off the highway. I get to my house about 20 minutes after, I changed into my lay back clothes and get my Ipad.

I go to a spyware app I have and see Nicole was on the phone with her. The picture was perfect and she was unaware that I had got cameras all over her house, hiring people to do it was easy when you have money to give them.

I sat there for about a good hour just watching her, she had been got off the phone and was now sleeping. I know I probably look like a fucking creep watching her like this, but she is my girl, even though I have been doing this a week after I met her. She was just too perfect for me to leave alone, her beautiful eye, beautiful body, and beautiful soul. Everything with her is beautiful and perfect.

I hear somebody banging on my door hard and check my front door camera, I see it's my worker/friends. I put away my Ipad and let them in, I had my right hand, Chris, my two brothers Mark and Dewayne, lastly to come in was her.

We all sit in my living room and Chris hands me a file on Nicole, I needed to know everything about her "Bro, I know you like the girl but isn't this stalking?" I shot him a glare and he immediately shuts up, good. I skimmed through the file and see some basic information that I could have found on my own but as I turned the page I found something interesting.

"Good job Chris" I finally said after reading the page over and over again, I look up and seen her staring at me, pissed off and sadness in her eyes. I really didn't care if she was mad, I hold out my hand and she gives me a copy of Nicole's house keys as I smirk at her.

"Come on Vanessa don't be mad, it's not like I'm stealing your best friend."


Sorry guys this chapter was over due but its finally here for you, also I see all the regular readers and I wanna say thanks for sticking with my story. I really appreciate it since its my first one on here

If you like the story comment and up vote it, I appreciate that too

Until next time


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