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The Brits awards it was a huge night in UK pop culture. In one room there would be hundreds of huge stars, this being singers and just all around celebrities that can wangle an invite.

You had been lucky this evening and managed to gain yourself an invite as a "Influencer". You would never consider yourself an influencer you do post on instagram and tiktok but this was purely for health and lifestyle.

You had gained a few million followers over the passed year and as the Brits aimed to keep gaining different audiences, you got yourself an invite.

"Look this piece is out of line" You groan as you move the strand out hair out of your face. Your cousin was completing your hair for tonight.

You knew that you were being a bitch but it was all nerves. You would be in a room with huge names in less than hour and your hair had to be absolutely perfect.

After moving around your hair and getting into your green floor length gown. You where physically shaking as you got taken onto the red carpet.

All the cameras flashing in front of your eyes, you posed as best you knew how. Of course you had some media training but that didn't calm the nerves, you began to be called over by different media platforms.

"So Y/n, who are you most excited to see perform tonight?" The interviewer from i heart radio asked you.

You felt your palms sweat but you had no idea how to stop it from happening. You were so incredibly nervous.

"I am super excited to see everyone tonight, but I have to say that I am most excited to see Harry Styles" You smiled to the presenter, of course you had to act like you were super excited to see everyone. But you were definitely most excited to see Harry play.

You had been a huge fan of Harry for years now and since you were on the rise as "influencer" you had more of a chance to meet the man you had the biggest crush on.

After a few more interviews you made your way inside towards the table where you sat with other influencers that you had met numerous times before. It was always nice to be surrounded by people you met before rather than have to make small talk with strangers.

You ate and drank for most of the night and of course Harry's performance was your favourite. The drinks on the table were unlimited and free which meant you were very drunk by this point in the evening.

The final award of the night was just about to be announced for Album of the Year. Of course you knew Harry would win, but as the winner is announced as Harry the room roars with cheers and Harry gets up and heads to the stage.

It was clear he was taking advantage of the free alcohol as well.


After the awards finished all the invited guests were shuttled to a private after party. you were hanging with my friend Jules as you continued with the free drinks.

You were officially very drunk and probably needed to head home. But you were not passing up on a opportunity like this one, it was a top secret party no one was even allowed their phones here.

"This is so cool" Your friend Jules shouts over the music.

"I know, I am gonna go to the bathroom I will meet you back here" You shout over the music as you head to the bathroom.

Pushing through crowds of people you can now see the bathrooms. This room was full of people that were huge in music and acting. You didn't know how you ended up here but you were enjoying every second of it.

As you step out of the huge crowd you feel your body smash into someone and you feel a drink land all over you.

"Oh shit" You hear a man's voice as you look up your eyes meet Harry Styles. "I am so sorry I did not meant to do that"

Harry was definitely drunk you could smell it on his breath. He had this huge smile plastered across his face clearly from all the wins he had gained this evening. You didn't blame him for all the drinking.

"It's okay don't worry" you say shaking off your hands that were now wet.

"No I am sorry, hey do I know you?" He asks cocking his eyebrow up.

"No you don't, but you were amazing on stage tonight" You smiled to him, you were trying your hardest to stay completely calm right now. Internally you were screaming and wanted to ask him for all kind of pictures but you could not right now in this no phone zone.

"Why thank you, so what is it you do?" he asks you as he leans against the wall.

"It is kind of dumb, but I am a health and lifestyle influencer and I guess I got the invite because of the following blah blah" You say trying to not come across as a complete freak.

"No that's super cool! You seem like you're having a good time tonight?" he asks you in a question manner.

"Yeah I have, I feel like I will be heading back to the hotel soon though it's late and well I am really drunk" You say as you attempt to stop the words slurring as they leave your mouth.

"Oh come on it's a big night! Celebrate with me" Harry cheers, You let out a giggle as his hands lands on your waist "Come on, celebrate with me?" he says cocking his eyebrow up at you.

"Sure" You smile "I'm Y/N by the way"

"Harry" He says leaning in and kissing both your cheeks. 

You and Harry make your way to the dance floor in the same place he was before. You had spotted him a few times throughout the night dancing with people such as Lizzo.

You danced away for a few more hours, your bodies closer than they should be. His hands riding down your waists to your hips. His hand pulling you closer to his body. You knew he was drunk and you were too but right now in this moment you wanted to kiss him and his soft looking lips. 

"Harry I should really go" You shout over the music, Jules had come over less than a 30 minutes before telling you she was heading home with some guy.

"Okay let's go"

Your eyes widen at his words "Let's" you weren't sure if he really meant leave together. He was totally drunk and this would amount to nothing you were sure of it. But you agree and follow him out of the club with your hand laced with his.

You made your way to a private car and Harry asked you for the name of your hotel. You oblige and let the driver know so he where to go.

"You're pretty fun you know" Harry smiles as his head leans on your shoulder.

"Why thank you, not to bad yourself"

"You know if you wanted to come back with me that wouldn't be inappropriate would it?" He asks you, your eyes widen as you hear his words.

Was he actually asking what you thought he was.

"No that would be fine" I smile

Harry orders the driver to a different location as his hand locks with yours.

This was going to be interesting.

If you want a part 2 of Smut let me know!!

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