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Monday for some the worst day of the week but for you this Monday was exciting, you were starting at the job you had wanted forever. You had worked your way up the company for years and finally you would be working right under the CEO.

Harry Styles, the business worlds best looking CEO. He was known everywhere for being super hot, well they were not wrong. You were now head of marketing for one of the largest magazines companies in the entire world. You were yet to meet Harry but today would be the day.

You woke up in the morning earlier than usual, you washed your hair and curled it in order to make it look as nice as possible. You needed to make a positive impression and looking good was a huge part of this. Along with some make up you head to your closest to grab the outfit.

It was safe to say you were scared about today, you had to look good and also have the knowledge. You knew you had all this but you had to show Harry you deserved to have this job.

You wore a black pencil skirt along with a white blouse. Given it was a little low cut but nothing too inappropriate for a work day. You hated heels but you knew they made you look good and you enjoyed looking good.

Arriving at the huge sky scraper in the middle of New York city. You moved here a week ago after landing the job, you still weren't used to the hussle and bussle of the city but being here you felt nothing but nerves and pride.

You made your way to the reception where a beautiful young red head sat as she smiled back to you.

"Hello welcome to Style magazine, How can I help you?" She beams at you, you had your bag on your shoulder as you clutched it close to you.

"Hey, I am the new marketing director and I am here to see Mr Styles"

"So you are the famous Y/n, we've heard a lot about you" She smiles back to me "37th floor when you get there head to the desk and speak to daniel and he will show you were to go"

You thank her before following her directions, next thing you knew you were stood outside the office with a plac saying "Harry Styles CEO"

Your heart was racing as your hand reaches up to knock. You hear a deep voice allowing you to enter. As you open the door you walk through you see Harry styles say there working away. Everyone was right he truly was the hottest CEO there had ever been.

"Hello, I will grab a cappuccino if you-"

"I am not a secretary, I am Y/n your new marketing director" His eyes open wide as he looks back to you shocked.

You had this your entire life. Pretty girls can't be smart.

"I am very sorry, I was just not expecting well you" He says before standing up and walking over to you. He had papers in his hands as he hands them over. "Let me show you to your office"

You move out of his way as he leaves his office and leads me two doors down to my new office, As the door opens you get a view of your office with windows around the entire room with a beautiful view of the city.

You knew the view would be crazy but this was something else, you had wanted this for your entire life. And right now this was everything you wanted.

"Wow this is amazing" You smile.

"Its an office, you need to get started on this here it's the new campaign for the latest edition" he mumbles before turning and starting to walk out the office before stopping in his tracks. "Oh and meeting at 10 in conference room one. Do not be late" He mumbles.

He maybe good looking but he's a tool.

The meeting went well and for once you didn't make yourself seem like a total fool. You sat in your office sorting out the latest campaign, you had met a few people who work under you and they were all lovely people.

You hear a knock on the door before it opens revealing Harry with a blank stare on his face. He walks over to your desk as he sits on the chair opposite.

"Well aren't you full of life" He says as he watches you write down what is needed for the newest campaign.

"Is that a problem" The entire meeting Harry was short with you and causing you issues as well as shooting looks to you.

"It will fade, I need this done by the end of the day I hope you know" He smirks.

You had so much work to do and he never mentioned anything about this being done by the end of the day and you knew that he was just trying to push you.

"It will be done" You mumble as you look down at the papers. Harry stares at you as you continued to work he was confused as to why you had such an attitude.

You had worked yourself so hard for this moment and yet he was being a dick. You had worked for this moment and no man was going to ruin that no matter who he was.

Harry Styles may be hot. But he was a totally dick.

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