How you meet

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First class wasn't exactly what you were used to but your mum had booked you first class to your flight to LA to see your cousins for the first time in a few years. The idea of traveling alone was quite scary and didn't appeal to you too much but you had to travel alone if you were to travel at all.

As you sat in your seat on the plane your phone in your hand and headphones in your ears as you gazed out the window you felt someone take a seat next to you as you tune your head to see who it was and your heart immediately sank... Holy shit it's Harry styles. His eyes make their way up to connect with yours as a smile curves onto his lips.

"You alright?" He smiles,

'Oh god why do people ask that, is it a question? Do you just say hi? Oh my god say something!!' You think to yourself

"Yeah I'm good how are you" you managed to spit out without sounding like a complete idiot

"Good not looking forward a long flight hungover but nothing I can do" He giggles and you just laugh along with him

"Hangovers are a bitch" you laugh trying to continue the conversation as you were like completely freaking out THIS IS HARRY FREAKING STYLES!!

"Aren't they but you only have your self to blame" He smiles so you just nod along with a smile "So Why you headed to LA?"

"Seeing family, how about you?"


"Oh that's shitty but I'm sure you'll have some relaxation time" You tried your hardest to keep your cool and not let him know you're a huge fan that is crying inside

"What you listening too?" He ask pointing to the head phones in your ears

"Erm fleetwood mac" you nod

"Oh my god they're amazing aren't they!"

"Wow someone who isn't 50 who actually likes them!" You smile with a cheer in your voice

"I know! And it's nice someone pretty likes them as well" he winks at you as you blush

"Was that flirting?"

"An attempt" he laughs as you just smiles as your stomach does back flips and front flips and turns inside out with excitement. "Sorry I don't even know your name"

"Oh I'm Y/n" You smile holding your hand out for him to shake

"Harry" he smiles back

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you harry"

"And you"


"So I just kinda thought why the hell not I was so bored from not doing anything" Harry smiles as he tells you the story about him releasing his own album after the band

"I have to say I do love the album" you smile finally giving up the fact you knew him.

"So you do know me?"

"Well yeah I didn't want you to think I was some crazy weirdo who is obsessed with you or anything"

"Well I don't think that, so if you don't mind me asking what's your favourite song from the album?"


"Ah Okay" He smiles "I like that one too" he giggles

"Well I would hope so" you giggle along with him.

The both of you were facing one another now your legs crossed on the seat as his eyes stayed locked onto yours. Harry gave you butterflies but who wouldn't he do this too because he is perfect in every way.

"So what is it that you do?" He asks his head leaning against the seat

"I'm a student training to be a nurse" you nod

"Wow that's so cool, how long til your qualified?"

"Another year possibly 2"

"Oh cool so we will be very aquatinted by the time you pass then" he smiles cheekily

"Oh So this is going to last longer than this plane journey"

"If you wish Yes"

"Well I do" you smile looking down at your hands that were sweating like mad

"Well could I get your number then silly"

"Yeah sure" you hand him your phone for him to input his number as he hands you his to place yours in.

You and Harry had made your way off the plane and just checked in at immigration and now where making your way to collect your bags and the conversation was still flowing.

"So how long are you here?" Harry asks as you watch the cases waiting for your ones to appear

"2 weeks"

"You with your cousin the whole time?"

"I'm not sure why?" You question cocking your eye brow up

"Perhaps we could meet up and maybe I could show you around to a few of my favourite places and what not" you just smile at his kind gesture

"I would love nothing more" you smile.

Once you and Harry both have your cases you make your way out of the airport where outside stood about 5 or 6 paps and luckily Harry saw them first. 

"Oh fuck sake" he curses "listen do you have a lift?"

"My aunt is getting me" you nod

"Okay I don't want them to picture us together because the fans will go crazy and I don't want to put you off also they're assholes so I'll text you when I reach my hotel and we can arrange a day"

"Sounds perfect, thanks for a Not so boring flight"

"You too I'll text you later" he smiles pulling you in for a hug so you hug him back as he turns on his feet and starts walking where he meets some security guy and they leave together.

You were left standing there with a huge smile on your face and a feeling of happiness inside of you.

"Y/n!!!" Your aunt cheers walking closer "Wow you look happy"

"I think I will be for awhile" you smile leaving the airport excited about the upcoming few weeks.

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