Seperate worlds (3)

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The girls climb into the back of the car, they had a plan I knew they did. Harry also knew what to do and how they would act towards us.

Harry doesn't drive to mine first but Bella and Chantelle's, He didn't want to be alone with them and I don't blame him.

"Harry why don't you drop Y/N off first as we live closer to you than she does in her little council house" Bella snaps as Chantelle giggles. My heart drops I didn't understand why they felt the need to attack my parents financial situation.

"Y/N is coming to mine actually Bella!" Harry snaps, I had no idea about this. I guess Harry was just saying this to make sure he wasn't left alone with them anymore.

"Why would she come to yours?" Chantelle asks, she really was thick as pig shit.

"Why would it matter? So we can spend time together what's the problem?"

"Well she isn't your girlfriend is she?" Bella snaps clearly jealous.

"Does it matter if I am?" I add in quickly, I see Harry look over with a huge smile towards me and his hand moves to my thigh rubbing it a little.

We drop off Bella and Chantelle at their homes and they had a complete attitude problem and didn't even thank Harry for the lift. Bella slammed the door before storming off with Chantelle at her side.

"Thank you, for the lift by the way" I smile at him as he starts the car again. "Good idea winding them up with the coming mine story" I giggle.

"I mean if you wanted too it wasn't a joke, I would love for you to come to mine I did promise you dinner of course and I would love to make you something" He smiles to me moving his hand back to my thigh again.

"Really?" I smile I was completely beaming at the idea of this.

"Of course my mum and sister will be there but they will leave us to eat, if you're comfortable with it of course"

"There isn't anything I would like more" I smiled back to him.

We continue driving for a few more minutes until we reach a nice area full of larger houses. As we drive I look out the window at the beautiful houses they were nicer and better than mine.

We pull along a driveway of a beautiful white house with vines all up the side. Harry parks up and looks to me a smile on his face as he unclips his seat belt.

"This house is beautiful, your house is beautiful" I smile

"Well thank you, Come on darling let's go"

Harry climbs out the car and walks around to my side of the car as I unclip my seat belt he opens my door and takes my hand helping me out. Once I'm out of the car Harry takes my hand and we walk into his house. Once we enter I take off my shoes along with Harry he takes my hand again as he leads me into the kitchen.

"Ah Harry you're home" His mum says facing away as she turns around her face curves into a huge smile. "Ah and this is" She walks over

"Mum this is Y/n is it okay if she stays for dinner?"

"Of course she can, Lovely to meet you I'm Anne"

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