CEO (3)

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You sit opposite Harry at a very nice restaurant he insisted on taking you too. You were petrified right now, you had started the day thinking you would be going on a date with Garrett now it was Harry sat looking at you.

You were terrified as you hardly could stand sitting in a meeting with him let alone dinner. You wanted nothing more than to be swallowed by the earth right now.

Harry sipped on the glasses of white wine that he had ordered for the table. Your hand held the glass as you took it to your mouth.

"Why do you seem so nervous around me all the time?" Harry asks causing you to slightly choke on the liquid making its way down your throat.

"I'm not" You mumble, it was a clear lie that anyone could see but you were trying your best to keep yourself together. He looks at you with his eye brow cocked up.

It was so clear he didn't believe a word from your mouth. You wiped your sweating palms on the skirt you wore. Still the leather one you wore from earlier before.

"Your body language says otherwise, This isn't business Y/n" He smirks "Relax love"

His nickname for you made your heart pound way more. He was gorgeous and that was clear he knew it as well, he was well aware of the effect he had.

He made me feel something that you couldn't explain. You had crushes before but this wasn't the same thing, yes you could appreciate his good looks but he wasn't a man you could see yourself having a crush on.

He was an authority figure that you knew would be so wrong to get involved with. You worked hard for your role as a marketing director and if you started screwing the CEO, others may question if you had screwed others to reach that point.

"So you're new in town? How are you finding every thing?"

"It's a huge city and it can be scary but I had fought for this job so I am happy to be here"

Harry frowns at your reply

"Will you stop treating this like an interview, this is a dinner. One that I am paying for so please miss Y/l/n would you relax"

You take a deep breath and decided in that moment you needed to learn to be more chill. You had always been up tight but you needed to learn to relax.

"Fine" You say before calling the waiter over to the table "We will take 4 shots of tequila" You say before smirking back to Harry as a smile plastered across his face.

"So that's the kind of relax we are doing?"

Dinner went on along with the shots, you were feeling drunk and that was a fact. Harry was as well it was clear as he had become more chatty his stern persona was falling.

You and Harry had made your way from the restaurant to another bar. You walked to a very high end bar, the entire walk your hands kept touching and your heart picked up every time they did touch. You wanted to stop these butterflies in your stomach but you couldn't help but feel slightly lovesick at the idea of kissing him right now. 

"So you've worked in marketing for so long why on earth would you want to work for me and not open your own place?" Harry asks as his hand lands on your thigh, You both sit in a booth closer than you should be. 

"Why wouldn't I want to work for you?" Your answer switched the question onto him. He had this look of lust in his eyes like any second now he would go in for the kiss. You were unsure if your mind was playing tricks on you or if this spark you felt was truly there and not a figment of your imagination. 

"I don't know, I am pretty charming if I do say so myself" This man oozed confidence and there was no denying that. "You aren't too bad yourself" His head had turned slightly as his eyes darted between your eyes and lips. 

This was the moment you felt as if your heart would burst from your chest. The moment he leaned in you suddenly felt sober like the decisions you were making would actually impact your life tomorrow when you wake up. 10 Minutes ago you wouldn't of cared but right now you felt like your career was in the balance. That was one part of your thoughts, the other was screaming to kiss him.

You listened to the latter. 

His lips crashed onto yours causing a passionate heated kiss to begin. Your hands moving right to his hair as you tugged lightly his hands rubbed your thigh. You knew how totally inappropriate this was but you didn't care. You wanted Harry and you needed him right now. 

A spicy Part 4?  

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