You deserve it

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Loosely Based on the movie I, Tonya also I know harry would never but I had this idea when watching the movie x 

Warning: contains scenes of abuse and sexual content x

You and Harry had met a few years back and instantly had a connection but with the media always reporting on Harry's life so it didn't take long for your relationship to become public. Harry was known in the media for 'treating people with kindness' but to say that's how he treated you was a complete lie he would cheat and lie and sometimes hit you but he was your first love so you thought that it was your fault that you were doing something wrong.

"How fucking dare you!" You scream at Harry from across the kitchen

"Don't you fucking speak to me like that" he screams bounding across the room and grabbing your face forcefully so you kicked him in the balls trying to get him away from you.

He lets go of your face and drops to the floor while you run into the other room locking the door but you weren't protected for long as a few minutes later the door is kicked down by Harry and you just scream shying away.

"Get away from me" You shout as he climbs ontop of you and hits you three times in the face.

You finally manage to escape his grip and as you try to run away he gets up following you and pushing your head into a mirror that hung on the wall causing it to smash and blood to run down your face.

You grab your face and slide down to the floor as Harry Just leaves the room leaving you alone and in pain.

It's about 6 hours later when Harry finally walks back into the bedroom with a look of sorrow on his face, of course he wasn't truly sorry he just wanted to be the good guy he did this anytime he hit you.

"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean it I didn't mean to hurt you" He says coming to your side and sitting on the bed with you his hand moving to face with a wet towel to clean up all of the blood. "You're face is so beautiful"

"Thank you Harry"

"God you're so hot" he growls into your ear nibbling it slightly he turns your face and kisses you passionately your hand instantly clamps to his cheeks as you move your legs over to straddle him.

Harry's hands move rounds to grab your bum as you moan against his lips as his hands move to your shirt he rips it open and kisses down the valley between your breasts as you take his shirt off, Harry flips you over so he is on top as he kisses down your whole body and pulls down your shorts along with your underwear and instantly his lips connect to your clit

"Harry!" You gasp your hands running through his hair as he gets more vigorous with His movements then he adds 3 fingers at once moving so fast you couldn't even breath properly

"Tell me you like it"

"H-Harry!" You gasp, he was so forceful with everything he did but it was nice sometimes and sometimes it was unbearable pain but this was nice "I need you" you moan Harry doesn't even give you a few seconds before getting ready to enter you before thrusting forcefully  inside of you

"Fuck" Harry gasps as he thrusts harder your hands gripping the sheets, Harry kisses your neck as he moves faster and faster

"Fuck please harry I need to cum" 

"No not yet" he tells me through gritted teeth

"I can't hold it!"

"Do not!" He says with aggression in his voice but you can't hold it so you cum and once Harry notices and slaps you across the face

"You Little whore" he curses pulling out and walking out of the room. Leaving you alone and hurt once again just like he always did.

"I can see the bruises" your mum mumbles with food in her mouth

"I fell"

"I would never be with a man that hits me" your mother wasn't exactly the nicest person in the world

"He says sorry"

"Good you deserve a good hit"

You sigh looking to the floor You hated how much you put up with but you loved Harry and he loved you very much he tells you all the time.

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