I'm Broken

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It's safe to say your life pretty much went to shit about 3 months ago and it all started when harry and you broke up it was the hardest thing you'd experience that was until now. You're parents had been arguing for a very long time and you were so scared that they might divorce you loved them both so much and it was your worst nightmare if they separated.

You had just gotten home from school as you were younger than Harry you were still in college but you were 18 so it was legal obviously. You walked in the the sound of shouting and screaming

"Well maybe we should just divorce then because we're not happy!" Your mum screams

"I agree let's Because we're not right together" you Dad says back, as you hadn't even shut the door yet you turn back around and leave getting in the car and driving you didn't know where to but you just drove and without thinking about it you ended up at Harry's place.

You climb out of the car and knock on the door of his house as he answers in Black Jeans and a jumper on and a frown covering his face.

"Y/n?" He frowns "what are you doing here?"

"I don't I just kinda came here it was just the only place I thought of" you say tears threatening to fall from your eyes

"Hey hey what's wrong" he asks pulling you in for a hug as you cry into his shoulders hugging him tightly


"Come in" you take his hand and walk into the house you had spent the past 2 years nearly every night you and Harry would be here cuddling and joking around. "What happened baby?"

"My parents are getting divorced" you manage to say before crying even more as he pulls you closer to him

"Hey trust me it will be okay I'm going to be here for you" He says hugging you tightly kissing the top of your head a he stroked the back of your head

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here"

"I'm so happy you did I've missed your smile"

"I've missed you too" you smile

"How about some food?" He asks as you nod softly as he gets up you lay on the couch that you and Harry would spend most Friday nights cuddled up on But this time you had laid down and fallen asleep alone

Harry's POV:
As I finish ordering Y/n's favourite pizza I walk back into the living room to see her asleep on the couch id been staying on for the past 3 months I couldn't sleep in my bed because it smelled of her no matter how many times I washed it.

It wasn't my bed it was our bed and I couldn't stay there without her, I've been alone since she left well I left her because she deserved better than me by a mile.

I just sit on the couch by her feet as I rub up and down her leg as I admire her beauty she was broken now her parents where her life and they always had been her best friends.

About an hour passes and the pizza has arrived but I didn't wake her she needed to sleep but she wakes herself with the smell I hadn't touched it not without her. To be honest she didn't look like she'd eaten in a while she had lost a lot of weight.

"Harry" she groans sitting up


"You ordered pizza?"

"Yeah it's your favourite" I nod looking to her with a smile her shirt was slightly raised due to sleeping and I could see her hip bones quite clearly. "Y/n have you been eating?"

"Harry I don't wanna talk about it?" She sighs

"Let me look"

"No please"

"Y/n please" she looks to me and sighs taking her shirt off and all I can see is her bones, her spinal cord was showing and so where her collar bones and shoulder bones as I look down to her breasts they had gotten noticeably smaller than when I last saw them. "Oh my god why haven't you been eating?"

"You left me them my mum and dad have been constantly arguing I've had no appetite" She sigh

"Please eat Oh my god baby you've lost so much weight" I cry she just covers herself by putting her shirt back on.

"Harry I'm broken Okay?"

"So am I Y/n so let's just get back together I need you to eat and get better"

"Help me harry" she cries

"I will" I pull her close and hug her now tiny body. "I'm never going to let you go"

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