Time Over Money

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Harry Edward Styles was the love of your life and the father of your two beautiful children, Ellie-Mae and Noah. Ellie was now 5 and Noah 3.

You and Harry have been together for 6 years now and you had both been through thick and thin together but since leaving One Direction he was even busier than before.

You and Harry lived different lives really, your life was at the house looking after the children and his was music and work. When Harry was in one direction you had just fallen pregnant and were spending more and more time together.

After Ellie-mae was born you two just drifted as Harry had his own dreams and you admired him but this meant you were with the kids all the time and when they slept you were completely alone.

Harry was busy a lot meaning you hardly even saw him nowadays. You wanted him to spend more and more time with you and the kids as they missed their dad a lot.

"Ellie-mae!" you shout across the room as you see her hit her brother after he tried to take toys from her.

You storm over to her picking her up and placing her right on the naughty step. You crouch down to her level as you look at her.

"Ellie-mae! You do not hit your brother okay?"

"Away!" she snaps, this was her way of telling you to leave her alone.

Ellie definitely had a attitude problem and it definitely came from you but when Harry wasn't there it was definitely worse. She always acted out when he hadn't been around for a few days.

"You're on the step for 5 minutes now" You warn her before walking away.

You head over to Noah and pick him up and warn him to not snatch either. You definitely were going crazy without any help from Harry, he was currently in LA while you lived on the outside of London.

While you attempted to cook dinner your phone began to ring, you pick it up and see it's Harry letting out a sigh of relief you pick it up.

"God am I happy to hear from you" You sigh as you sit down at the breakfast bar.

"Stressed?" He giggles down the phone

"Could say that" you slightly laugh again, Ellie was still on the naughty step as she refused to say sorry so now she's on there for another 5 minutes.

"What's up darling?"

"Ellie-mae is just stressing me out, all she does is react badly to every situation and she doesn't listen to me at all" You were so stressed out, all you wanted was Harry to be here and hug you to tell you it's all okay.

"Aw babes I'm so sorry I'm not there"

As he speaks you hear the door go with a little sigh you stand up and walk through the house.

"Sorry door is going" you mumble, as you still have the phone to your ear you open the door and see Harry stood there.

Without even a thought you drop your phone and just jump up onto him. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you hug him tightly.

"Oh my god thank you!" you scream as he still holds you tightly. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?" You ask he puts you down.

You were stood outside the house currently and the Kids had no idea their dad was home. You wanted him to yourself right now but you knew how excited they would be.

"I wanted to surprise you all" he smiles pecking your lips before you head into the house together.

"Ellie and Noah come here" You shout, they both appear and as they see their dad they run over into his arms. 

Seeing this makes you so happy but all you wanted was Harry to be here more than a week at a time before he jets off for his next place of wherever he was.

You all make your way to the kitchen and the kids and Harry sit at the breakfast bar while you finish making the dinner for the kids and now Harry too.

"So miss Ellie-Mae why haven't you been nice to your brother or Mummy?" Harry asks, for the first time in a long time Harry was sticking up for you.

"No Daddy" she pouts with a classic innocent look on her face.

"You've got to be nice to Mummy and Noah okay?"

"Okay daddy" she smiles.

You, Harry and the Kids spend the next few hours spending time together, playing games and just being a family. It was late now so the kids have just gone to bed and now it was time for you and Harry time.

"Is that my sexy wife" Harry smiles as he walks back into the living room as you sit on the couch he leans down and kisses your lips.

"I've missed you" you pout as he hovers over you before pecking your lips once again. He then takes a seat next to you his hand falling very quickly onto your thigh.

Being like this with Harry just made you want him around even more. You know Harry worked so hard to make sure you and the kids had everything you wanted, but all you really wanted was him to be here and you'd rather have Harry and nothing.

"What's up?" He asks, you didn't know how he knew you were pissed but he just knew everything.


"You're too quiet" He giggles "You're never that quiet"

"I just don't want you to leave" You sigh laying your head on his chest.

"I know but this is for us"

"Harry, you know you don't have to work all that much? It's not like we're a struggling family and I know you love your job and things but I don't know how much longer I can look after these kids all by myself especially with Ellies behaviour"

"I'm sorry, I just want to you give the best life I can"

"I'd rather have your time rather than your money Harry and I know your kids would much rather have you here than money"

"So what? you think I should stay a lot longer?"

"Yes" you giggle "The kids would love it, I would love it. The kids aren't going to be young forever and this time is very important"

"You know what I'm sorry, I'm going to stay as long as I can"

"Really?" You jump up all excited

"Yes and me and you are going out on a real date like old times tomorrow evening okay?"

"Couldn't think of anything better" You smirk as Harry leans in and passionately kisses your lips.

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