Best Friends Brother

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5 Years you had been best friends with Gemma styles. You had been super close for a good few years but was yet to meet her brother. Before be friending Gemma you hadn't exactly been the biggest fan of Harry. Of course you knew who he was.

Who didn't know?

Just like any other Saturday night you were headed round to Gemma's with a bottle of wine and cookies for a chilled but drunken night. As you knock on the door you see a tall brunette figure through the frosted glass.

The door swings open and there stood Harry. His tall frame took over most the door. You were speechless over how beautiful he truly was. You saw pictures of him a million times, but in person he was something else.

"Erm hey, is Gem there?" You ask nearly dropping the bottle of wine before catching it yourself.

"Woah steady" He giggles at you "She's just ran out to get some stuff, come on in" He smiles opening the door for you to come in.

You walk into her place before heading into the kitchen. You place the wine on the counter top and you can feel the presence of Harry lingering behind you.

You felt a sense of awkwardness between the two of you. You had just met him and had no idea what to say or how to act around him.

"I didn't realise you were in town, Gem didn't mention a thing" You say attempting to start a conversation.

Harry leaned against the door frame as you opened the bottle of wine before grabbing yourself a glass. You hold a spare one out to offer Harry and he nods in agreement.

"It wasn't planned, I surprised her and well I didn't realise she would have company" He smiles making his way over to the breakfast bar where you sat.

You felt awkward now, you interrupted there time together. You were the disruption here.

"I didn't mean to intrude, listen I can go-"

You were cut off by the ringing of Harry's phone, the name on the screen read it was Gemma calling him. He pauses for a second before picking up the phone. You can only hear his side of the conversation.

"Yeah she's here" He nods "Yeah, I'm sure it will be fine" He smiles before hanging up and looking at me.

"She ditch?" You ask before taking a sip of wine.

"She's got stuck somewhere and she said to apologise and you are more than welcome to stay and wait but she can't guarantee what time she will be back"

You knew you should probably head home but that would mean sitting along for the rest of the night.

"You really can stay if you want" Harry nods

You look around the room at the movie set up Gemma had created. Legally blonde getting ready to be played.

"Sure i'll stay, of course if that's okay with you?"

"More than okay" he beams back to you.

You and Harry were 2 films in and a bottle each of wine. It was safe to say you both were feeling it ever so slightly. You felt a lot more comfortable with Harry than you did a few hours, of course the alcohol was a factor to this.

"What film now?" Harry asks getting up off the layout of pillows that had been made.

You laid on the floor with blankets draped over you both. Harry was headed picking up the remote as he scrolled through Netflix. Throughout both films you two had gotten close and closer.

This man was a god. You started to feel nervous around him and you knew how wrong it was as he was your best friends brother it felt weird but also it didn't.

"You choose" You smiled.

After Harry chooses another chick flick he sits down next to you. This time he was even closer, his arm moved around your shoulder. Without hesitation you lay your head on his shoulder.

You realise what was happening was strange but you also didn't want to stop.

"Y/n" As you hear your name you look up to meet Harry's eyes. His hand darts to your cheek rubbing it softly.

His eyes dart between your lips and eyes before he begins to move in. You let yourself in lean it too before your lips meet. Right away there was nothing but passion between you both.

It was heated, you feel yourself be moved on to Harry's lap as you straddle him. Your lips move against one another, your stomach rumbled with butterflies. You finally pull away as you look into his eyes.

"Let's not tell Gemma about this" He smirks before leaving in and kissing your lips again.

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