Seperate worlds (4)

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It was currently 7:30 and Harry would be here any moment, you were completely ready and feeling less nervous this time after meeting his mother last night.

You had done your make up and were completely ready just finishing off some cereal. Your mum walks into the room before kissing the top of your head

"Good morning" She takes a seat opposite you at the table and you just smile back to her.


"So Harry?" She says raising her eyebrows up


"Very handsome young man Y/n, he seems very lovely as well"

"He really is" You smile down at the thought of him just made you smile.

"Well invite him for dinner, me and your dad can cook and we will make the best impression for you I have the day off today so I'll clean everything for you"


"No really i know this is a little embarrassing place to live but I want Harry to come over" She smiles.

Your mother always wanted what was best for you and she tried and yes she worked a lot to provide for you but that was all love.

"Mum i would love for Harry to come over but you don't need to be embarrassed of where we live Harry isn't the nicest soul" You smile rubbing her hand.

As we both enjoyed this moment my phone goes and it was Harry letting me know he had just arrived outside mine.

"Right I'm off now"

My mum gets up and gives me the biggest hug before telling me she loves me and you were off.

You walked outside your house and saw Harry's car so you walked over to the passengers side. Climbing in the car you see Harry's smiling face.

"Good morning" He smiles before leaning over and pecking your lips. Every time he kissed you your heart rate picked up. "How are you this morning?"

"Im okay thank you how are you?"

"Even better seeing you" He winks in a cheesy manor. 

You and Harry make your way to school just singing along to the radio. The way Harry sung was beautiful he had this amazing voice you just wouldn't expect.

"You can really sing huh?" You smile looking over at him.

"I guess" he smiles "I'd never make it make it though"

"Are you crazy?! you're sexy and you can sing what girl wouldn't like you?"

"Me a teen heartthrob? wow you're kidding surely" he giggles to you.

"I'd have your posters in my room" you wink


"ooo tempting" you laugh back to him.

You arrived at school and into the normal parking space Harry parked in. You see all the normal students huddled around the same cars of course Bella and Chantelle perk up once seeing Harry's car.

"They really hate me huh?" Harry takes my hand once you are out of the car.

Harry didn't even bother going over to his friends today he held your hand and stuck by you. Your heart jumped a little at that thought he was sticking by you 100%.

You and Harry walked down the school halls hand in hand. Once you reached your form room he opened the door for you before leaning down and pecking your lips once more before heading off and promising he would see you later.

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