Meeting his child

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Harry styles was a sweetheart to everyone He was known for being one of the nicest people in the business and his kind soul was what captured your heart and made you fall in love with him. Going into the relationship you knew he had a 3 year old daughter,Darcy but you were terrified to meet her.

"You look amazing tonight" Harry smiles as his eyes scan your body in the tight black dress his hand then moves to your hips as he pulls you closer you pecking his lips.

Harry was currently at your apartment picking you up for date like he did every Thursday night, you and Harry had been dating for 3 months now but it was a deep relationship for the length you'd been together.

"Thank you very much darling" you smile pecking his lips once again before taking his hand as you make your way out of the apartment and down to his car.

You and Harry drove to the restaurant and headed right inside walking past all the paparazzi going mad with their questions, as you sit down opposite one another you just smile looking at Harry. He still raises your pulse and causes your heart to go mad.

"What?" Harry giggles as you stare at him

"You're just perfect...sorry that was weird to say" you giggle looking at the menu but Harry reaches across to touch your hand

"It was cute and I still get nervous about hanging out with you I mean you're like a goddess"

"Shut up" You scoff with a giggle.

It was later into the evening and You and Harry were now your eating food as he talked about his day

"So how has your day been?" He asks taking a bite of his food

"Well it was alright actually I mean at work that jerk I always tell you about got fired so at least I won't have to put up with that again because I really don't know if I could-" you just stop looking at Harry as he is now looking at his phone and not listening to what you're saying so you just cough and he looks up

"Oh shit sorry"

"No I mean you ask me about my day and then don't listen to the response" you laugh at him

"No it's my sitter she's saying Darcy is really sick" Harry sighs rubbing his face in frustration and you just look at him sympathetically "I'm so sorry but I'm going to have to go"

"I'll come with you" you tell him as he looks up with a huge smile on his face


"Yah come on let's pay for this and go" you giggle even though you were worried about it all.

You and Harry pay the bills and then leave the restaurant hand in hand making your way to Harry's place that you haven't even been to before because Darcy is always there. About 20 minutes later you pull up outside a big beautiful house in a gated community and it was beautiful

"Thank you for coming with me" Harry smiles looking at you before exiting the car.

You climb out as well and meet Harry at the front door he opens it as we make our way inside you look around to see a beautiful house that is spotless and full of marble flooring yet it was so homey.

"Come with me" he smiles taking your hand and leading you up the stairs to a bedroom you were guess that was Darcy's.

As the door opens you see a young girl holding a smaller child in her arms rocking her back and forth trying to comfort the young child.

"Hey Kia Thank you for this" Harry says to the young girl taking Darcy from her as you stood in the door way

"Yeah I'm just sorry I had to call you but she kept saying she wanted you" she smiles

"No it's fine; if you want to head home I'll bring the money tomorrow I have no cash right now though"

"No it's fine" the sitter smiles walking past you with a smile.

You felt so awkward you didn't really know where to look or what to do but your eyes stayed captured on her room that was bigger than your apartment.

"Hey Darcy Baby this is Y/n" Harry says gesturing for you to come over to them as they sat on a little couch she had in her room. "Say hello" the little girl doesn't say anything she just waves keeping her head close to Harry's chest.

"Hello" you smile looking at her and she really was Harry's child she was gorgeous "you're very beautiful" Darcy smiles at you with a giggle

"Daddy love you" Darcy blurts out and you just
Smile to her

"Oh really?" You say looking to Harry as he just sighs

"I mean there was going to be a better way to tell you" He laughs

"That was a cute way" you smile to Harry

"Right baby girl you need to go to bed now please" Harry says putting Darcy in her crib before kissing her goodnight and leaving the room with you "She ruined that moment for me" He laughs

"No she didn't" you smile wrapping your arms around his neck "I love you too" you smile kissing him as his arms move round your waist pulling your body closer to his

"Do you want to stay tonight?" He asks

"I don't have any clothes"

"You can wear one of my shirts if you want" He smirks at you as Harry holds your waist close to his body

"I would love that" you smile reaching up wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him Harry lifts you up and carries you into the bedroom before laying you on the bed as he kisses your neck.

"Now let's have some fun of our own" he smirks kissing you once again as you smirk against his lips

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