New years eve

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Wondering around the party looking around when I bump into Louis who was just drinking beers with a few people I didn't know.

"Hey boys" I smile, I had been made to come
Tonight by Louis as I had Just broken up with some girl I mean she wasn't too important but still just before New Years it kinda hurt I mean no one wants to be alone on New Years. "What are you doing?"

"Just checking that girl out" one of the guys chimes in I look over to where they're looking to see a really beautiful girl stood in some jeans and a mustard top. She was very beautiful

"Look at her ass Wow" Louis smiles and as much as I didn't want to look I did and it was quite impressive.

"Right let's take a bet whose gonna go over there?" Another guy I don't know adds

"I vote Harry" Louis smiles

"What why?"

"You're newly single and also she's checking you out" Louis laughs I look over and she just
Smiles at me so without saying anything to the boys I make my way over to her

"Why are you standing alone?" I shout over the music

"I came alone" she shouts back "I'm Y/n by the way"

"Harry" I smile as she shakes my hand with a smile on her face

"Nice to meet you" she shouts again

"Would you like a drink?"


Me and Y/n make our way to the kitchen to grab a drink she takes a beer and I grab myself one and then we both head outside to hear one another better. We take a seat and there was hardly anyone else here so we didn't feel the need to keep it down.

"So why'd you come alone?" I ask her

"Well I've just broke up with my boyfriend and it's my friends party so I thought why not as you can tell by my attire I don't care too much about this party"

"Well you look good" I flirt with her

"Thank you" She smiles at me

Me and Y/n where still sat in the garden talking about nothing ness she was probably one of the coolest people I'd ever met she had lived the most exciting life she had been a nurse in the army and yet she was only 23 she had also saved many lives.

"So then the bullet hit me right here and I had to take it out myself" she says pointing to the scar on the top of her arm

"Shit that's so cool" I smile "Well Erm you get what I mean"

"Yeah also being shot not fun" she laughs

"I know well I mean I can imagine" I ramble on

"Harry It's nearly midnight!" Niall shouts poking his head round the corner "oh sorry" he smiles walking back in

"Wanna head inside" I ask her as she stands up and our hands laced together as she leads me inside to the kitchen where it was fully with people and couples cuddled up ready to kiss at midnight.

"10-9-8-7" everyone starts shouting as i look down to Y/n she nods as to tell me to kiss her at midnight "6-5-4-3-2-1, HAPPY NEW YEAR"

At one we kiss our lips touch and I felt something I felt something like I hadn't before It was a spark my hands rested on her hips as her hands lay upon my face as our lips moved insync. As we pull apart she smiles at me

"Happy new year Haz" she winks kissing me again and something about this girl was different she was special already.

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