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It had been 3 years since you and Harry got together. For 2 and half years your relationship had been completely secret from the public but 6 months ago the cat came out of the bag.

You and Harry had been spotted in your local town in a small restaurant. The next day it was plastered all over the Papers and social media, ever since that day you had zero privacy.

You and Harry were currently in New York for his tour, Harry had been awfully busy with all of his tour. He always made sure to meet you for either lunch or a late dinner. Harry was caring and loved you more than anything, all he wanted was to make you happy.

You spent most of your days walking around New York doing some shopping for Harry along with some online work. You quit your job so you could work on the move with Harry.

Today was an especially busy day in New York it was Harry's 10th night at Madison square gardens and for this occasion you wanted to treat him to something nice. You headed down to Gucci store to buy him this new jacket he had mentioned a few weeks back.

While in the store you started noticing paparazzi gathering outside. Your heart sank, you hated the paparazzi they always made you feel uncomfortable and without Harry there you felt vulnerable.

It became unavoidable to leave the store for any longer, you mustered up enough courage to walk out the door. The second you hit the street the cameras start to flash. Your breathing hitch as you start to walk through the crowds of people.

"Y/n what's it like for Harry to be playing here again?"

"Y/n do you still get jealous that Harry is friends with Kendall"

"Kendall is a super model and you're not does that make you feel bad?"

"Y/n are you pregnant?"

You kept walking to the car but the comments where getting to you. You had heard so many comments on your body online and in person and it always got to you.

Harry had asked you a number of times if you were okay. You had pushed all the feelings aside when you were around Harry. You knew how guilty he would feel if he knew how his fame was making you feel.

You arrived back at the hotel and just broke down when you reached the room. You had felt nothing short of insecure for awhile now, it was the constant comparing to exes and comments on your body. You had many people wondering why Harry is dating you when you're nothing short of ordinary.

"Y/n?" you hear Harry's voice coming from the living area of the suite you two shared for his time here in New York.

Quickly you attempt to wipe the tears from your face to stop him from finding out you were crying.

"Hey! You okay?" you ask attempting to act normal.

"Why are you crying?" He asks taking your hand as he pulls you onto his lap.

"Nothing it's fine" You didn't need to bombard Harry with your issues.  "Let's get ready for your show?"

"No we are going to sit here and speak about why you are upset"

"It's dumb"

"Your feelings are not dumb"

He was a good man, better than you deserved.

"Okay" You take a deep breath knowing how hard it is going to be to explain everything you were feeling. "Ever since we went public, the paps and the fans just leave so many comments about how I am not good enough for you. How I am so ordinary and how I just don't deserve you"

"Y/n, you deserve the world. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever come across. I don't care if anyone thinks your ordinary, to me you're extraordinary. I am so in love with you and you are beautiful"

His words make your stomach flutter, you look into his eyes before you lean forward and peck his lips.

"I love you"

"I love you"

Just a short cute one x
My new book GLAZED is out now please check it out.

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