The interview

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You and Harry had been dating for a few months and hadn't publicly said you're together but everyone kinda knew you where it just wasn't completely confirmed yet. You weren't famous but since the whole thing about you and Harry had come out your Instagram followers had shot up, you had fan pages and also the paps had become so interested in your life so had caught many things that people used as 'evidence' to prove you and Harry are together.

Harry had an interview on Ellen today and you didn't sit in the audience but stayed in Harry's dressing room watching it from backstage

"Welcome Harry Styles!!" Ellen shouts as Harry walks out wearing one of his classic suits and you just smile at how beautiful he was. You watch Harry hug Ellen before taking a seat on the couch with a smile "Welcome to the show alone this time" she smiles

"Thank you very much" He smiles

"So going solo? How has that been?"

"Well it's been very lonely on tour and there is a lot more room in dressing rooms"

"Oh come on it can't be with your girlfriend being with you" she smirks as everyone laughs and Harry just looks at her plainly with that little smirk he does

"Girlfriend?" He giggles

"Yeah you know this one" a pap picture of you and Harry appears of the screen as he just smirks

"That's my friend" you just giggle at Harry's attempt to cover your relationship for the sake of privacy

"Oh really you're very friendly" Ellen smiles as the next pap picture is of you and Harry hugging it was the day you were ill and wanted to hug him all day so he cuddled you for ages and the paps got a lot of pictures.

Harry just giggles trying not to show the fact he was lying even though it was obvious he was lying

"We're good friends" He giggles nodding

"This good?" She smiles as the picture from your Instagram come up of a selfie you posted but you wore the necklace matching necklace with Harry that has his name on and he has one with yours on "is that your name?"

"No" he lies

"What does your necklace say" you just giggle as he looks down at his necklace that had your name on it "Does that say Y/n?"

"Erm yeah" you laugh at Harry as he answers and the audience ooos and laughs

"So are you two together" Ellen asks "because I believe this is even more evidence" As she finishes her sentence a picture of you and Harry on the balcony of a hotel room kissing each other

"Erm we are together yes" Harry finally confirms and you just smile it would be so nice to not really hide it anymore too could post pictures of you and Harry on your Instagram and be public with him.

"Wow finally you admitted it because I saw her sat in your dressing room so come on let's get her out" you just giggle as the door opens and a producer walks in and leads you out to stage as you walk on everyone cheers as Harry rushes over to you hugging you tightly as he kisses you for the first time on camera before leading you to the couch where you hug Ellen.

"Hiya" you smile

"So lovely to meet you Y/n Harry hasn't had a lot to say"

"He's secretive" you laugh as your hands stayed linked together

"I'm kind" he laughs

"So let's get this out there you two are together and how long has it been?"

"We are together" you smile

"We have been together for 6 months now and yeah we're going Well" Harry smiles as he leans in and kisses your cheek

"Do you two live to"

"Yeah" you smile

"Well thank you Y/n for joining us and confirming this and you're welcome back any time" she smiles as you get up Harry hugs you good bye and whispers

"I love you" in your ear but his mic picks it up and everyone awes

"I love you too" you smile "thank you for having me Ellen" you tell her before walking off stage.

After the show Harry comes back stage and hugs you tightly you knew he had been dying to put your relationship out there

"Thank you bubba" he smiles kissing you

"It's okay my baby" you smile kissing him back.

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