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Harry styles new girlfriend?

Harry styles is reportedly dating a student from Y/h/t after the two where spotted out together in Harry's home town at a local pub all cuddled up. It is also reported that harry styles is constantly commenting on her Instagram posts but due to her account being private these rumours are yet to be confirmed.

"Harry!" You shout to your boyfriend who sat in the living room while you stood in the kitchen cooking dinner for the both of you. Once you've called him he walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face

"Yes baby" you don't say anything you just pass him your phone as he reads through the newly published article. "Oh fuck sake I'm sorry babe"

"It's fine I mean I kinda expected it" you sigh as you continue cooking the food on the hob when Harry comes behind you and wraps his arms round your waist as he kisses your neck.

"I mean I have that interview on graham Norton tonight if you want me to confirm anything I can" you turn looking at him for a split second

"Let's do this" you smile "Tell them I mean they already know in a way"

"You sure I mean they can be jealous but they're the most amazing people really"

"I know Harry listen let's just do this if it gets too much I'll make my account private again"

"Okay" He smiles kissing your lips softly.

You sat in the audience at the show as you watched Graham introduce Harry to the show as he walks out in his suit and his hair sat perfectly on his head as you smiled at him and how beautiful he was.

"Welcome to the show Harry" Graham smiles

"Thank you for having me"

"So I love your new album they're mostly full of love songs so anyone in particular inspire them?"

"Sweet creature was inspired by a special lady" he smirks and nods slowly you just giggle knowing it was written about you.

"Oh really could you tell us who?" Graham asks as the audience ooo and ahh's

"Erm well her name is Y/n and she is very beautiful and kind and we met just over a year ago now"

"And is she here this evening?" Harry Just giggles

"Yeah She is"

Everyone begins to cheer and that's when your anxiety begins to hit you as you realise that you might be offered to go on stage and that was terrifying for you.

"Could we meet her?" Harry looks over to you cocking his eyebrow in a questions manor and you just shake your head to him "Oh is that her"

"Indeed" he laughs when Graham jumps up and walks over to you taking your hand as you cover your face you feel it becoming more red as you make your way onto the stage Harry pulls you down onto his lap as he kisses your cheek softly.

"So welcome to the show Y/n"

"Thank you" you giggle as your heart beats out of your chest

"So how did you and Harry meet?"

"Mutual Friends set us up on a date and kinda is history from there" you smile

You continue talking for another hour and you couldn't lie it was actually very nice to have Harry showing you off his hands stayed around your waist the whole time and you felt safe.

After the interview you and Harry where backstage drinking a few beers when Harry's phone starts going mad he takes it out and looks opening his Instagram where he sees a picture of you sat on Harry's lap on the show with the caption.

"Harry is dating Student Y/n Y/l/n!!!! And omg they're so cute!!"

"Well they like you" Harry laughs kissing your cheek.

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