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Warning: This chapter contains graphic description of sexual activities. If you do not wish to read please skip and come back for my next chapter

You and Harry had made your way up the elevator of his very nice hotel. You had never stayed somewhere so nice but right now you were hand in hand with Harry as you walked down the hallway. You reach the end of the hall and Harry drunkenly pulls out his key card for the room. You gripped onto his arm to steady yourself, the fresh air had made you feel slightly more sober however you were definitely still intoxicated and so was Harry. 

Once the key is inside the door he begins to open it, as the door opens more the room becomes more clear. It was huge and you were shocked, this looked like a penthouse and the fact this room alone was bigger than nearly your entire apartment. 

"Welcome" Harry smiles as you both walk into the room. It was split into two halves one half had a couch with a table between that and the TV. There was a beautiful flower arrangement on the table. As you walked further into the room you see through a open doorway a huge bed that had been made by the cleaners. 

"This is a beautiful hotel room" You smile as Harry heads to the mini bar and grabs out a small bottle of wine along with two glasses. He takes a seat on the couch as you follow closely behind sitting next to him. 

You slide your heels off crossing your legs onto the couch. You look back at him as he hands you a glass of wine. You knew that you were drunk and you were fighting for your life to not embarrass yourself. 

"So, Y/N tell me all about you" He says leaning on his hand as his elbow rests on the back of the couch. Your stomach was flipping right now, never in a million years did you think this night would end with you sat in a hotel room with Harry styles. You had the biggest crush on him for the longest time and this was every girls dream.

"Well, I don't think I am too interesting. I just spend most of my times at the gym or making posts for work" You knew that you weren't the most interesting person especially to someone like Harry.

He had such an exciting life touring all around the world meeting so many people. He got the spend every second of his life doing something exciting. You spent your time either doing pieces of work or reading, you spent so much time curled up in your bed reading. That was not something to tell Harry. 

"You are interesting, I think so anyways" He had this smirk on his face, Your faces were getting closer. 

Your eyes darted between his and his lips, you felt yourself wanting to move in but your head was also screaming at you to stop. If he rejected you then you would most likely die inside. 

"Is it okay if I kiss you right now?" he mumbles as his forehead touches yours gently. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Words refuse to leave your mouth so instead you just nod at him. 

Slowly you begin to lean in, his hand moves to your cheek cupping it as he pulls you closer to him your lips. As your lips touch his you feel the fire in your stomach light. You wanted nothing more than this moment, you lace your hands through his hair tugging ever so slightly. You feel his other hand start to move down your back until it reaches your ass before he squeezes it lightly, causing a moan to leave your mouth into his. 

With one swift movement Harry pulls you onto his lap so you are straddling his waist, you feel his hand plant on your ass squeezing it again. This kiss had very quickly become extremely passionate and heated, of course the alcohol may have something to do with it. You feel Harrys lip detach from yours before he pulls your hair from around your neck leaving it exposed. Harry plasters open mouth kisses down your neck sucking on a soft spot. 

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