Dunkirk (2) Alex

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The date was 1st June 1940 and you were still stuck on this dumb beach, everyone was at their wits end but at least you had Alex. Not a single other person knew about your love if the generals found out you and Alex where so scared he would be dismissed from the army all together.

"Give me that" You shout shoving the other nurse away from the man bleeding out in front of you.

You were head of this entire beach when it came to nursing, you knew exactly what you were doing. We hoped this whole ordeal would be over soon.

"Miss Y/L/N, we have a serious injury by the boat come with me now" The general enters the tent pulling me away from the easier injury.

You rush along to the boat where you can see a group of men crowding around in a group to clearly the man who was injured. You push your way through the crowd and into the middle where you see Alex laid on the group bleeding out.

Your heart fell to the pit of my stomach as you run over to him falling to your knees right by his side.

"Alex oh my god what happened" You we're getting seriously emotional now.

Tears began falling from your eyes as you begin to rip off his clothes he was wearing. He was bleeding all the way through and you weren't even sure what was wrong or what had happened.

"He was shot mam"

Another solider adds from the circle that was around us. Everyone looked down as you could see Alex was struggling to stay awake he was breathing sharply.

"Shot by fucking who!" You scream, you grabbed all the cloths you had which wasn't a lot.

Alex was bleeding out fast and without your equipment you couldn't do a thing. You couldn't move him it was too risky.

"Someone go get my bag now it's in the main medical tent!" You scream as a few men turn and run to the main tent it was a mile north. They where running fast and you hoped it would be fast enough.

Your hands where covered in blood now but you didn't care, your hands move to Alex's face meaning his face was now covered in blood too.

"Alex hey look at me, speak to me Alex"

"Y/n" he breaths out, he had nothing in him he was struggling to speak.

"Hey Alex look at me I promise you that I will help you, don't forget you owe me that date" You cry tears.

The troops around you watched every moment but it felt as if they weren't even there. Right now this felt like you and Alex and that was all.

"Miss is he alive?" One of the troops adds

My eyes burned from tears as Alex was no longer awake but he had a pulse. You weren't sure how long you'd have until he was gone but you couldn't wait longer.

You ripped his shirt off and the bleeding was clear from a gunshot wound and the scar from his stitches from a few weeks ago was bleeding out too. You weren't sure what had happened and no one was going to say but you needed to save his life.

"Mam do you not think you should take him to the tent"

"If I move him the lodged bullet could move and rupture organs" you just continued to apply pressure when the men return with your bag. 

You had to get this bullet out, rummaging through the bag you grab out a scalpel. You cut the wound a little more and took out the bullet, then you had to transfer blood but you didn't have any on hand.

"Blood type! Does anyone know his blood type"

"B positive" The general replies


You didn't have any B positive blood there was only one thing you could do now and that was transfer the blood right from you to him as you had the same blood type.

This was risky and you had done it a few times before but a direct transfusion from one to another was a risky process.

"Who is going to help me?"

One of the men step forwards to help, there was no way you can do this all alone. Grabbing the correct equipment out as you put in the tube into your arm.

"Erm Y/n what are you doing" The general asks

"A direct transfusions from me to Alex, who else here is B positive?" A few hands were raised "Right you all I need some of your blood, go to the nearest tent and get the blood taken after a pint bring it back and hopefully he will be stabilised but you need to hurry"

The men run off as you continue the transfusion.


After around 20 minutes you began to feel more faint the blood loss was beginning to take a toll on you but Alex's blood pressure was getting better.

"Miss if he is gone just let him go"

"He's doing better trust me" You smile stroking his face with a smile. As hard as it was staying awake right now you needed too.

"Y/n" You hear a mumble from Alex "What's going on"

"You got shot, don't move I'm going to safety cut the line as you're better okay?"

I cut the line between you and Alex taking the needle out of both your arms. Slowly he sits up before embracing you in his arms.

Alex was transported to the Main medical tent along with you and the loss of your blood. You both where sat on the beds in the medical tent his hand was holding mine.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" You smile

"Save my life and nearly end yours"

"I would never have died don't you worry"

You lean your head on his shoulder, even after this short amount of time you adored Alex a lot. The time on the beach was coming to an end and back in England you wanted too be with Alex and you wanted too marry him.

"Back in england I promise you will be my wife Y/n"

"I would love nothing more"

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