CEO (2)

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You had survived your first week working with Harry. Endless meetings and him just looking over at you like you were a meal to eat. It was safe to say you weren't his biggest fan, he made your life ten times harder than it needed to be at nearly every point in the day.

It was Friday and you were so excited to be heading home soon as you had a date with one of the guys on the journalism team. He was super cute and well you were new to the city so even if it turned into a friendship you needed that right now as well.

"Miss Y/l/n" Harry says poking his head around the door. You had 20 minutes left and Harry showing up so late was never a good sign.

"Yes sir"

"That campaign will it be up by close of business today?"

"Yes of course sir" You smiled falsely towards him, as much as you disliked him he was still the CEO and the man in power here. He could fire you in a second if he wished, you did not fight for so long to loose your job that fast.

"Y/n" He says as you dart your eyes off the screen to look at his face. He was closer than you thought he may be, you looked at him with a frown on your face as he advanced closer to your desk before making his way behind you.

You didn't even bother to look behind you, you keep your eyes forward as you feel him standing behind you. You sat on the chair but his body was pressing against yours, slowly he leans down moving your hair that rested on your shoulder out of his way exposing your neck. You felt your breathing hitch as his hands touch your skin.

"Very lovely shirt you are wearing, any reason for this dress up?"

You had dressed up more and you were headed right on the date after work. You two planned to leave together so you had to look good, you wore a leather mid length skirt along with a cream blouse.

"I have a date" You speak out as his fingers trail up and down your neck causing your hair to raise on your body.


"Garrett downstairs in journalism" You felt like you were being interrogated. Like the wrong answer could cost your life right now. "Is there a problem?"

All you hear is a snicker from his mouth before he removes his hand off your neck and walking out the room without another words said between you both.

You weren't too sure what just happened but you felt confused. Harry was acting as if you were his and not allowed to date another man but you were not his property.

You finished off the campaign as you publish it you take your phone and see if you had a message from Garrett but nothing yet. You had planned to meet in the lobby in 5 minutes, so you grabbed your bag before heading downstairs.

You spot Garrett sat on the sofa in the corner on the lobby, as he spots you he stands up and begins walking over. You can't help but smile at the sight of him.

"Hey" You smile, he had this look on his face of how awkward this was going to be. Like he was regretting his decision. "Everything okay?" You ask him.

"Listen something came up and I have to cancel tonight, Im so sorry"

You felt your stomach drop a little.

"Oh of course, that's fine I actually have more work to do anyways" You lie "Rain-check?"

"Yeah" He says shyly before you quickly rush back upstairs as you pretend to have more work.

The entire way back up you attempt to hold the tears in. You had been alone in this city for only a matter of weeks and it felt so lonely, you finally got the chance to make friends and it was taken away from you.

As you reach your office you shut the door quickly before allowing the tears to flow. A few fell down your cheek as you whipped them away quickly in an attempt to stop. You felt stupid it was one date and you didn't need to cry over it but being alone in this city was getting to you.

A knock snaps you from your thoughts as Harry walks in. You wipe the rest of the tears from your face as your eyes meet his.

"Everything okay?"

"Yep fine" You say, you felt so stupid right now and Harry seeing you this way wasn't what you needed.

"You're crying Y/n" He steps closer to you as he wipes one last tear from your face. "What is wrong?"

"It's stupid, you wouldn't want to hear"

"You have no idea how much I want to" He says as your eyes look back at him. He had this look of sympathy towards you.

You take a deep breath as you looked into his eyes, his hands still on your face.

"Garrett cancelled, it's not that I care about that date it's that I've just moved here and it is lonely when you have no friends. I was just excited to spend time with someone that isn't my cat tonight that's all"

He smiles at your answer. You looked confused why he looked so pleased at your misery. Harry walks over and grabs your bag and hands it to you as you look back with a frown.

"If you want company, let's go"

"You don't have to do this I know you don't like me much"

"Who ever said I don't like you?" He asks crossing his arms over his chest.

He had you there, no one ever said that but the way he acted said that he did.

"I just thought-"

"Well you thought wrong. Now do you like Chinese food?" He asks. You stand there shocked at his offer. You don't move for a few seconds, Harry was at the door before he turns back and looks at you stood frozen "Well are you coming with me or spending another night with your cat?"

Keep the requests coming guys!

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