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This female rewrite is the idea behind this imagine, please watch it this deserves 10 times more clout than it got the song is beautiful xxx

Harry Edward Styles was the love of your life but your soul mates don't always stick around. Soul mates are the one person you're meant to be with and your lives are meant to connect.

You thought that Harry was your soul mate but he wasn't he had left now.

You spent 2 years with Harry and you knew him inside and out he was gorgeous and perfect to you in every way but it didn't work out. He left you and you moved on... well tried too.

You where laid in bed and all that was running through your head tonight was Harry. You both ended nearly 5 months ago now and it was annoying to you that he was still in your head. As you stared to the ceiling your phone began to ring, you reach over to your bedside table and pick your phone up.

Incoming call:
Harry x

You were completely shocked, you and Harry hadn't spoken to one another for months now and this random call was strange. There was this huge voice screaming for you to answer this call.

"Hello?" You ask down the phone 


"Yeah?" you ask back, he sounded like he was in pain like he was struggling.

"I'm outside please let me in" He begs.

You didn't even need to think you just hung up and walked over to the door and let a soaking Harry inside.

"I didn't know you were in town" you say as you look at Harry dripping wet.

"I wasn't until the other day and I wasn't going to come see you but I couldn't resist Y/n I miss and love you still so much" Harry looked right towards you and you both stood in the hall.

You looked up to him and your heart fluttered hearing he was still in love with you. But another part of you knew exactly what he had been doing since he left you.

"Why did you call me?"

"Because i love you"

The only thing you had right now was the upper hand in the way you hadn't told you love him back and of course you do but you hadn't spent the past year not mentioning his name for him to come back.

"Where have you been since you left me?"

"LA?" he asks confused as to why you're even asking this question.

"And who have you been with?" You cross your arms to him.

You knew the answer was Kendall.

Since the day he left you wouldn't talk about him to anyone but you googled his name every night and he was with Kendall a lot of the time. He knew how insecure this women made you feel and it was nothing on how she was as a person, you'd never even met her, she was someone who you knew loved harry and that hurt.

"Y/n come on please, i'm here now"

"So you're here now? so i'm supposed to just take you back because you're Harry?!"

You knew that's not what he meant but you also knew how to get under his skin.

"No i didn't mean it like that" Harry walls forward to cup my cheeks with his ice cold hands.

As they touch my face i do wince from the cold pain he was sending through my cheeks. Being in his touch did feel good but right away your thoughts run to who else had been here. You push him away just with the thoughts of him with another women terrified you.

"Please don't" You cry moving away from him.

"Y/n please stop acting like we're strangers, I love you and care about you i'm not a stranger"

"Harry you left me for LA and I know you didn't act like a man in a relationship out there i need you to be honest who did you sleep with?"

Yes it was personal but if Kendall was the answer you were about done with him, He knew how insecure she made you feel as Kendall loves him and he always has the power in his hands to get her.

"Y/n please"

"You're back why?"

"Because I love you!"

"You left me for a year, My life has been so so hard and you've been in LA sleeping with exes and enjoying your life while i'm here I can't even leave my house everything reminds me of you!"

"Then take me back!"

"I can't!"

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