I'm so sorry

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You and Harry had been together for a very long time so when you found out you were expecting a baby girl you were the most excited you had ever been in your entire life. Your whole life you had wanted a baby and the fact you had one with Harry on the way meant so much as you knew Harry would be the most amazing dad, he could just seeing him with kids made your heart flutter now he would have his own baby girl

You had been waiting 9 months to meet your baby girl you were now 7 days over due and ready to pop and meet your daughter now. You were sat on the couch holding your bump when you felt a extremely sharp pain across your abdomen

"Harry!" You shout he just comes running into the living room

"What? Are you okay?" He asks with a panic in his voice

"The baby is coming Harry!" You shout "I think she's ready"

"Oh my god come on let's go" he says with a panic grabbing your hospital bag as he helps you up and leads you to the car.

Once you're in the car the pains get progressively worse but as a first time mum you didn't know that anything was wrong. About 20 minutes later you arrive at the hospital Harry helps you out of the car as you walk inside and to reception

"We have a private room for Y/n styles" he smiles

"Come this way" the lady smiles as you're led to the hospital room where you're all wired up but this pain was getting so hard to bare in anyway at all.

"It hurts so know much" you groan as you hold onto the bump throwing your head in pain

"We're going to check the baby" the midwife smiles as she makes her way down to check my cervix "mhmm" she hums

"What?" You ask in a panic

"I'm going to get my boss"

"Oh my god!" You panic as she's left the room

"Hey I'm sure she's just New" Harry smiles trying to comfort you

"No Harry what if something is wrong?"

"It's fine everything will be fine" Harry smiles kissing your forehead.

The head midwife walks into the room to check your cervix once again before heading to check the heart beat but there was nothing no noise and that's when you feel physically sick.

"Right we're going to take you in for a C-section as the baby is getting very distressed"

"Oh my" You sigh laying down as Harry holds your hand kissing it softly

"It's fine the baby will be fine"

You're wheeled into the theatre while Harry got some clothes on that where safe to wear while standing with you. As he walks inside the room you look to him as he smiles

"We're going to be all good darling" he smiles.

Harry's POV:
I knew something was wrong but I couldn't panic Y/n it would make it worse and it was safe to say I was completely terrified to find out the outcome of this issue I mean there was no heart beat.

I sat next to Y/n holding her hand as the operation started I didn't want to look so I kept my eyes on Y/n who looked as scared as I felt I just wanted to meet my little girl now and hold her in my arms.

"And baby is out" we head a midwife say but as I look to Y/n to smile but I saw she had lost consciousness

"Help! She's not awake" I shout as a nurse rushes to her side

"Blood lost"

"Sir please can you leave" a doctor asks

"No please let me stay I need to be with her" but as I argued I was pulled out the room as I just punch the wall I needed her I needed Y/n more than anything.

Readers POV:
Your eyes fluttered open as you look around you see Harry sat in the corner looking at the ground

"Harry?" I croak his head shoots up as he looks over to me

"Hey baby" he smiles sitting down on the bed his hands move to mine as he rubs them softly

"Where's our baby?" You ask

"She didn't make it baby" he cries as you just cover your mouth and cry loudly

"Please tell me you're lying"

"I wish I was" he cries back to me as he hugs me tightly "I love you"

"I love you too" you cry back "I'm so sorry Harry"

"Hey it's not your fault never ever Blame yourself" He says sternly before kissing your lips

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