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Dating Harry styles had one thing that was guaranteed to have within the relationship and that was the fans and as someone who was truly in love with Harry you wanted his fans to like you because you were planning to be with Harry for the long run.

Ever since the relationship had gone publish your life had changed massively you had been given fan pages, hundreds of likes and comments on your Instagram and Twitter and also a load of paparazzi following you in most places you went to even without Harry.

You where walking around La shopping for Harry's birthday you had a Gucci bag in your hands full of a suit that he had been tempted to buy for a very long time when all of a sudden the paparazzi begin to appear

"Y/n is that Harry's?" One of the paps asks

"Yes it is" you smile, you usually answer them because it was polite

"What is it for?"

"His birthday" you smile as you continue walking Down the street holding the bag as you reach a crossing you bump into a group of girls and they instantly recognise you due to all the paps.

"Oh my god Y/n!!" One of the girls screams as they all crowd around you with there phones out trying to take pictures

"Let's cross the road I don't want you to get hit by the car" you smile leading them across the road when you reach the other side. You then stop to take a load of pictures with the fans while the paparazzi still spoke

"Y/n do you like being followed by fans?" They ask

"I love you guys" you laugh hugging one of the girls as you take a selfie with her along with 10 others of them

"Y/n thank you for being so nice to Harry"

"He's nice to me too" you laugh as you continue to take pictures

"So Y/n do you and Harry have a lot of sex" a pap asks as you scoff

"That's highly personal" You laugh

"That's rude!" One of the fans snap

"You need to watch your mouth" another one adds

"Guys don't react it's fine" you smile taking more pictures with them

"Oh come on tell us about your sex life, are you expecting a baby because you're getting bigger" you just scoff once again

"You have a nice day guys" you smile to the paps as you still pay most attention to the fans

"Come on you're quite big"

"You guys are so rude" A fan snaps

"It's fine guys I'm just going to ignore them" you smile "I need to go so I'll see you later" you smile walking off away from the fans but the paps still followed to your car

"Do you still use Harry for fame?" They ask as you climb in the car putting the bag in the back before climbing into the front and into the drivers seat.

"I'm sorry but you've been so rude" you laugh shutting the door before driving off.

You arrive back to yours and Harry's house you left the bag in the car and head inside where you see Harry sat in the kitchen eating lunch you walk over and kiss his neck

"Hey baby" you smile

"Hey I didn't know you'd be back this soon do you want some of my food" he asks as you take a seat next to him your hands run down his shirt as you runs your hands over his chest your head leaning on his shoulder.

"No I'm fine baby"

"I've seen the pap video and fan pictures and what the fans have been saying"

"What have they been saying?" You ask confused as he turns his phone and head to twitter.

@Username: I met @Y/T/N today and omg nicest person ever she stoped to take pictures with everyone!!!
@Username1: @Username her and Harry really do treat people with kindness.

@Username3: Y/n and Harry have to be the nicest people in Hollywood! That pap video proves it they where so rude to her and yet she didn't react❤️❤️❤️❤️

@Username4: Harry should be so proud of Y/n she's perfect!!!

"You're so perfect" he smiles kissing your lips

"I love you" you smile pecking his lips once again.

"I love you too" he winks.

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