What happened?

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You and Harry had been on and off for a year now but things had never been as bad as they were right now you were currently standing across from Harry in the kitchen holding the magazine that on the cover was pictures of Harry kissing Kendell Jenner while away last week.

"Oh my god it's bullshit Y/n!!" He shouts at you from across the room as anger filled his eyes

"How can it be bullshit I'm fucking looking at it Harry!" You scream back throwing the magazine at him it just misses him as he moves out of the way

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know because maybe you still like her I mean you did it Harry not me!"

"Oh my god you're pathetic" he scoffs his hands running through his hair

"Oh am I really? Well at least I'm not a cheat you know I've had so many chances but I love you so I don't!" You scream at him with instant regret

"Oh well maybe next time you should take that chance then" he laughs walking out of the kitchen and with pure anger you pick up a glass and throw it at the wall that Harry was stood in front of seconds ago "You're fucking crazy!" He shouts from wherever he was

"I hate you!" You scream dropping to the floor and crying but he didn't come back in he didn't care at all.

You stayed on the floor just crying in a ball on the floor until you drift off into a sleep but you're woken by the feeling of being placed in bed as you open your eyes you see Harry's strong arms carrying you into bed. As you lay on the soft sheets you just sit up more looking at him your eyes still blood shot

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you're still my girlfriend imma sleep downstairs" he sighs going to kiss your forehead but you pull away from his lips so he sighs once again as he makes his way downstairs to the sofa.

Three days had past and still you hadn't spoken to Harry much as much as you didn't want to loose him you couldn't bring yourself to forgive him just yet.

You sat on the couch as Harry walks through the front door he smiles at you slightly before walking right upstairs, you had spent the past three days apart wherever you were he would be as far as possible from that point and the same with you.

Harry has been sleeping on the couch for the past few days so you decided to sleep there tonight so you headed upstairs to grab a pillow and blanket when Harry frowns at you

"What the heck are you doing?" He asks

"I'm going to sleep down stairs tonight" you nod

"No you're not I am"

"No you've been down there all week I'll sleep there tonight"

"No" he argues

"Just let me Harry!" You sigh

"No you stay here I'll sleep down there it was my fault anyways" he tells you looking to the floor this was the only time he had admitted wrong doing "what happened to us?" He sighs

"I don't know"

"Y/n I promise you I didn't kiss her these pictures are old ones yes I saw her but it wasn't anything like that I would never do that to you I've never been in love without anyone before but I know I am with you so I would never hurt you and I hate that I've even done this now"

"When you met her did she try anything?"

"Yes but I told her no I told her I had you and I didn't want her anymore I only want you forever"

"Harry I'm sorry" you cry sitting on the bed with him as your hands meet again

"No I'm sorry, I love you so much" He smiles kissing your lips softly

"I love you too" you smile.

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