Seperate worlds (1)

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High school. Whoever invented it was rotting in hell somewhere for all the misery they have put me through.

Easily this was the worst place in the world, I was in my final year thank the lord. I had a small group of three friends who are always there for me on a daily basis and I couldn't be more thankful for them but it was the stupid bitches who think they run the school that piss me off.

"Henry the 8th ruled from when to when?" Mr Morgan asks the class and as one of the only pupils that actually cared I raised my hand.

"1491-1547" I sighed as the girls behind me screamed and giggled.

"Well done miss Y/N" Mr morgan smiles with a slight sigh as I see him looking to the girls behind me. "You know girls if you payed attention you might get further in this lesson"

"Being a try hard?" I hear Bella snap, she was easily the worlds biggest bitch and she hated me.

"We appreciate our social lives thank you" Her little minion Chantelle adds in.

I shoot my head round and give them dirty looks I knew they were talking about me.

"Your social lives won't mean a thing in a years time girls" Mr Morgan says before the bell goes.

I wasn't in a rush to leave so I packed my stuff slowly whereas Bella and Chantelle couldn't leave the room quick enough.

"Don't let them get you Y/N" Mr Morgan adds before I leave the room

"They never would" I smile before walking out of the room.

I made my way to the main cafeteria where I could see my three friends; Dan, Penelope and Oliver. I take a seat with them all.

"Hi Y/N" Dan smiles as I sit next to Penelope, P, and opposite Dan and Oliver.

"Hey" I smile putting my bag down, I could see on the table diagonally across from me was Bella, Chantelle and a few other minions as well as Russell, Matt and Harry where sat with them.

"How are the minions" P asks me with a giggle, she knows exactly how much they all annoy me in History.

"Argh annoying"

"Doesn't stop her from looking at Harry all dreamy eyed" Oliver adds smirking.

"Are you joking he's the biggest arse going" I scoff, I was obviously lying Harry was beautiful and everyone knew it.

He just had this air about him and he was beautiful like absolutely drop dead gorgeous. That explains how he is surrounded by the plastic bitches of the school.

"Ooooo you love him" They all tease me making kissing noises.

I didn't want to deal with this shit, of course I fancied him who didn't? I also hated it when people would tease me about liking someone because I never liked anyone but I definitely fancied Harry.


School had just finished but I was to stay late for photography, my teacher had asked me to take pictures for the football team as it was their biggest game of the season.

"So Y/n if you just stand along side and just get as best pictures as you can" My teacher smiles as I stand on the main field where I would be for the next 90 minutes.

As all the players walk out onto the pitch in a line before they start warming up. Most the people on the pitch were of course popular, including Russel and Matt but clearly Harry didn't play football.

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