You have one new message

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Standing over your shared bed with Harry as you watched him sleeping, you had all your stuff packed and in this moment you debated all your thoughts you had leading up to this.

You had Harry had been together for 3 years now but there was something that didn't feel just right anymore. There was something missing.

Harry was amazing but there was something wrong now and you couldn't put your finger on it so after a lot of hard thinking you came to the decision to leave Harry but he wasn't aware and you didn't want to argue so you decided leaving in the middle of the night was best.

With all your cases in your hand you walk out of your beautiful shared home and into your car as you drove off into the night and to the airport.

Harry's POV:
I wake up rolling over to pull Y/n close at to me but she wasn't there. My eyes shoot open to see she wasn't in the bed, She must be making food or something so I climb out of bed and make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Y/n?" I shout through the house, as I reach downstairs I see her shoes are all gone.

In this moment my heart drops I run upstairs and open into the walk-in closest I had made especially for Y/n. I see that all her clothes and cases are gone.

I rush to grab my phone and dial Y/N number right away but it went right to answer phone.

"Fuck fuck" I cry,

A load of tears fall from my eyes Y/n was my entire world and I don't even understand why she has left me. I dial her number again and this time leave a voicemail.

Y/n's POV:
You got off the plane in Italy it was also your dream to move to Italy so starting a new life and why not move somewhere you've always wanted.

You take your phone off airplane mode and all these miss calls from Harry, of course you were expecting these calls but there were loads of voicemails as well.

You took your phone to your ear as you began to play the messages.

'You have 2 new messages, first message from Harry at 10:34am'

"Hey Y/n please call me i don't understand why you're gone what have i done?" He cries down the phone.

'second message from Harry at 10:45 am'

"Hey it's me again I saw you left your necklace I got you here, I guess that means we're truly over but what did I do?"

Your heart broke hearing how upset Harry was over you leaving him, you left for the main reason that you just didn't know what your relationship was anymore.

Day in and day out you spent time waiting for Harry to pay you attention to pull his head away from the work he loved so much. You couldn't be that person that took him away from something he loved so much.

You arrived in your hotel room where you would be staying for a few weeks until your apartment you had planned to rent was ready. You had left Harry earlier than planned but you just couldn't lie to him and make him unhappy anymore. Dumping your bags you lay on the bed letting out a huge sigh.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" You speak to yourself, Harry was the best thing to ever come into your life but he just didn't need you anymore.

Your phone goes off once more and yet again another voicemail just came through from Harry, opening it and playing it on speaker the voice of the love of your life comes through the speakers.

"Hey it's Harry, you don't have to go through with this it's not too late i'm going to be waiting at our spot by the beach. If you don't show up i understand but that is where i'll be for however long it takes but hopefully i'll see you soon. I love you"

A tear comes to your eye, the idea of Harry waiting for you broke your heart. There were a million thoughts going through your head but an explanation was most needed. You pick your phone up and dial Harry.

"Y/n!!" His voice comes through the phone

"Hi" you breath out

"Please come back, why did you leave?"

"You're busy you have your life and i'm a burden within that life. You have the best career so why would I intrude on that?"

"I'd give that up in a second for you to be by my side again please just come to our place to talk" He begs crying you could hear the tears.

"I'm in italy Harry" You sigh playing with the bed sheets as you looked down.


"I'm sorry" You hung up and blocked his number.

You knew he couldn't move on if he couldn't contact you so this was the one way forward.

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