Dunkirk- Alex (smut)

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This is an Alex from Dunkirk chapter x

You were a nurse and had been deported out to help at Dunkirk on some ships you hadn't always been a nurse and the fact you were being taken out into war should scare you but it didn't. After a 3 day journey from the south coast of England you arrived at the loading dock of Dunkirk and all you could see for miles were men lined up waiting to board the ship.

"Miss Y/l/n" you turn around to see the captain of the ship

"Yes sir"

"We've got a tent set up on the beach and yes it's dangerous but we need you to be the head nurse here for however long it takes to rescue everyone"

Your heart just drops you where being left in a war zone potentially left for dead with a lot of men who needed help with their injuries so you just sigh looking at him

"That's fine" You sigh.

The captain gets off the ship with you and leads you to meet the Sargent who was waiting for yourself to arrive, you knew you would have men helping you but you were scared to be the only women here.

You had been at the beach for a week now working day in day out helping men with their injuries but there was one person who stayed in your mind, he had come in on your third day as a nurse with a minor injury and you instantly thought he was one of the most beautiful men you had ever seen.

You where sat in your tent with a few men laying down trying to recover you were just looking around at the men when the tent door opens and in walks the man from the other day.

"Miss" you stand and smile at him

"How can I help?"

"The stitches are hurting" he sighs

"Come with me round the back there isn't room here" You say pointing to all the full beds that where out the front so you lead him into the backroom that was full of beds that weren't being used.

"Why is this empty" he asks sitting on a bed that you've pointed too

"We haven't had as many injuries as we have expected" You nod "Where are the stitches again?"

"My stomach" he groans taking his uniform off revealing his toned chest you where taken back you didn't remember him being like this last time. Your hand traces down his abs until it reaches the stitches he winces in pain

"Sorry" you say looking to see there was nothing wrong with them "There doesn't seem to be a problem"

"What's your name?" He asks

"Y/n and yours?" You ask

"Alex, so Y/n the truth is I kind of wanted to see you again" he smirks

"And why is that" you giggle

"Well you're fairly beautiful" he smiles to you as you lift your head so your eyes are connected together "and I haven't seen a woman this beautiful in a long while" his hand moves under your chin and lifts it up

"Alex" you say as he leans in and your lips connect for the first time, his hands cup your cheeks as he pulls you on top of him so you're now straddling him as his hands move down to your bum. "We shouldn't be doing this" you mumble against his lips

"Why not?"

"I mean I should be working you should be out there" You sigh playing with his uniform buttons

"Then let's make this quick" he smirks and you smirk along with him as his lips attach to yours again but this time as you kiss back your hands move down to his trousers.

You undo the loose buttons that held them together and slowly pull them down along with the brief he wears. Alex lifts his hips up to help you pull them down revealing his hard on the way ready he clearly hadn't been touched in a long time

"Please just now" he moans against your lips so you remove your underwear as you then move so you lower yourself down onto him you both gasp with pleasure "fuck Y/n" he moans gripping your thighs

"Alex" you moan as you begin to ride him your hips grinding against him and you start to get faster as Alex thrusts up deeper inside of you you let out a huge gasp as you hold onto his shoulder

"I'm sorry I'm not going to last" he gasps as he thrusts up deeper you knew it had probably been at least a year since he had been inside a woman

"No no it's fine" As you finish your sentence you feel Alex release inside of you and you just gasp.

You then climb off of Alex as he gets changed and you then put your underwear back on before smirking at him.

"You're amazing" Alex smiles walking over to you before kissing lips once again.

You and Alex sat on the beach as you looked up at the sky all the stars that beemed in the sky your hands touched and you just felt happy here with Alex.

"When we get back home I promise you I will take you on the best date" Alex smiles to you as you turn your head and smile to him


"Yeah I'm sure my mum would love to meet you as well" you didn't know what to say so you just kissed his sweet lips "is that a yes" he giggles

"It's 100% Yes" you giggle kissing his lips once again as he laughs holding your body closer to his.

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