CEO (4)

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His hands roll down your back before he grabs your ass tightly, your hand fumbles with the key to your apartment as Harry continues to touch you. He was making you more and more nervous the more his hands touched your body.

As the door finally opens after you struggled for a minute Harry pushes you through the door as he pushes you against the wall re-attaching your lips. He kicks the door shut as he allows his hands to move onto your hips. He pulls you closer to his body, you allow your hands to run through his hair tugging lightly. Harry hand grabs your ass causing a little gasp to leave your mouth.

"Fuck, you are so hot" He mumbles against your lips. You pull apart panting as you looked into his eyes. You knew how wrong this was but you were both drunk and wanted this so badly right now.

"Is this a good idea?" You ask him, you knew that was a loaded question. It would never end well.

"Y/n, if you want to stop just say but this is a good idea" He says his hand pressing next to your head as you look at him. "I want you and I know you want me"

His lip trails over yours lightly. You wanted this and you knew it.

Quickly you press your lips against his passionately. This time it is more heated, harry grabs your thigh lifting you up before carrying you from the hall to the couch. He lays you down as he hovers over, you feel his hands trace all over your thigh getting closer to your core each time.

Finally his hand trails over your core, as you wore a skirt it was pretty easy access for his hands to trail over your panties. You feel his fingers slowly graze over your clit through your panties.

You were desperate for his touch right now, it had been so long since you had been touched the way he is touching you. You feel his fingers move your panties to the side, his finger attaches to your clit applying pressure right away causing a loud moan to leave your mouth.

"Fuck" You groan against his lips, the kissing became more and more heated as Harry rubs your clit more.

His fingers trails down your wet slit before he slides his fingers inside you, causing your back to arch up. His fingers thrusted in and out of you as
you attempted to contain your moans you could feel your body pulsing at his movements making you feel closer to release.

"Are you going to come?" He whispers in your ear. You can't speak he was consuming your body so you just nod.

Harry pulls his hands from your dripping pussy before sliding down your body and quickly attaching his lips around your throbbing clit. If you didn't have words before this was certainly not helping.

Your hands grip the fabric of the couch as his tongue darts inside of you. Right now you couldn't comprehend that your boss had his tongue deep inside of you.

"I'm gonna come" You groan, you feel your stomach tense up as you began to reach your high his lips re attach to your clit, his fingers dart inside of you causing the high to become more intense.

"Good girl come for me" he says before you feel yourself reach the high.

As his fingers continue to thrust inside of you while you finish you ride high.

"Jesus love" He smirks before taking his fingers out of you and into his mouth.

You look down at him as his head is between your legs. You grab his collar pulling him back to your lips. As your lips attach you feel his body move up so his crotch is pressed against your core.

You can feel his stiffened cock pressing against you, as your lips move against one another you reach your hand down to unbutton his shirt trousers.

Your hand reaches into his boxers as
you wrap your hand around his cock. Your eyes widen at the feel of how big he truly was. You begin to thrust your hand up and down his stiffening cock.

"You are never going to fit inside of me" You say against his lips.

"I'm sure you can take it love" She smirks

Without hesitation you push him back so he is now sitting down before you slide off the couch onto your knees in front of him. You take his tip into his mouth as you suck lightly.

You hear groans leaving his mouth as you take as much as you can into your mouth. You hardly get him half way in before you begin to gag.

"You're a good girl, come on baby take more I know you can" He takes your hair into a makeshift pony tail, you take a breath through your nose before you take more inside.

Your throat pulses at the feeling of him inside of your mouth. You gag a little more before you start moving your head up and down swirling your tongue around him while he is inside.

Harry grabs your head pulling you off of him. He makes you look at him before he leans down and kissing your lips again. His hands slip under your thighs pulling you back onto his lap so you're now straddling him.

He lifts your ass up a little before he lowers you down as he enters you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel him inside of you. You knew that he wasn't fully inside of you, hardly even a quarter yet you felt full.

"You're so big" You groan placing your hands on his shoulders. He looked at you with hunger in his eyes he wanted to fuck you so hard. He wanted to cause you to scream his name.

He wanted to own you.

"We can make it fit" He smirks before he thrusts himself fully inside.

You let out a scream as he enters. You instantly felt nothing but pleasure as his hands help
you rock your hips back and forth. You begin to
move yourself so you are riding him. His head is thrown back at your movements.

He felt good inside of you, you feel his hand trace from your hips up-to your neck where he wraps his hand around your throat. You smirk at his movements.

Seeing your smile allows him to understand exactly what you wanted. He stands up you both still connected before tossing you down on the couch. He pulls himself out of you before flipping you onto all fours and thirsting himself back into you.

"Fuck" You moan, Harry grips your hips with force as he thrusts in and out of you hard. You could feel another orgasm building as you grip the couch again.

"You take my cock like such a good girl" He moans as he continues to thrust harder and faster.

"I'm going to come" You moan once again, Harry speeds up more before allowing you to clench around him as you come.

He keeps fucking you while you ride your high before you feel him start to slow when he yanks himself out of you before he releases over your back.

You let out a laugh as he sits down on the couch you sit back down after wiping his left off of you. You sat next to him before leaning your head onto his shoulder.

"We really shouldn't of done that" You laugh

"I completely disagree, I think we should do it again" He smirks before leaning down and kiss your lips again.

Would you guys like this to continue as a series, or potentially a book?

Also my new book GLAZED is now out if you guys could please check it out I would really appreciate it xx

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