The boyfriend

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Darcy was now 15 and she was definitely a young women now and you admired her beauty she has it physically and internally she was the most amazing person Just like her dad and well he was so protective over her in every way, she spent most her childhood in home schooling education but recently you allowed her to go to a normal secondary school.

Harry was of course scared of the idea of boys being near his baby girl who he loved more than anything in the world. You and Harry where sat at the table in the kitchen for breakfast when Darcy walks into the room with a smile on her face

"Why are you so happy baby?" Harry asks as she sits opposite both of you

"Erm I have something I want to ask" she smiles holding her phone

"What is it sweetheart?" You ask with a smile on your face

"I've been kinda talking to this guy and I was wondering if I could go on a date with him he asked me out for dinner" she smiles as your heart flutters she looked so happy

"That's absolutely fine-" You where cut off by Harry

"No way at all not happening no" he dismisses her Idea

"Why not dad?" She sighs

"You're not dating no way I'm not allowing you to date that boy!"

"You don't even know him" she sighs "please dad"

"Harry come on" you sigh "Darcy dear you can go on the date but we want to meet him before the date and then me or dad will take you"

"Thank you Mum" she smiles leaving the room leaving you and Harry alone

"She's not going on that date" he snaps

"Harry come on she need to one day so I'm sure he's a nice boy"

"What if he hurts her? What if he uses her?"

"Everyone gets hurt harry I've been hurt before so have you it's apart of life" You sigh looking at him with a smile

"Nope She's not going to be hurt ever" he shakes his head

"Harry" you laugh "you need to chill come on if my dad was like this then we wouldn't be together"

"Fine but I'm going to grill this kid"

"No you're not!" You sigh

It was the night of Darcy's date and Harry had left the studio early to be ready to meet him and you could tell Darcy was very nervous as Harry was ready to grill this kid.

It was 5:30 when the door goes and before you could answer the door Darcy rushes over to open the door and in walks a boy fairly tall for a 15 year old, he has brown hair and brown eyes and a very nice smile.

"Mum, dad this is Dan" she smiles as he walks over to shake both your hands but Harry takes it further with his tight grip.

"So nice to meet you both Mr and Mrs styles you have an amazing daughter"

"Thank you Dan" you smile

"So where are you taking her tonight?"

"We're going to the movies and then out for a meal"

"Where too?"

"Darcy wanted Nando's" Dan smiles

"Good" Harry smiles "well dan I am more impressed than I thought but if you do hurt her then I will have to hurt you"

"Harry!" You shout


"It's okay I understand my dad is like it with my sisters" Dan smiles he was a confident boy and you liked that and so does Harry.

"I like you Dan so please don't mess this up" you smile

"I will look after her I promise" he smiles as Harry just smiles at him with a nod.

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