Seperate worlds (2)

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It was 7am and I had just gotten out of the shower I never ever did make up for school but Harry Styles was picking me up so surely I should try and impress him.

It was something about Harry he made me feel like I need to be boujee or high class or something I'm not sure but I feel as if an effort needs to be made.

I had straighten my hair and placed some foundation on my face, which was out of the ordinary for me, I placed my uniform on before heading downstairs for breakfast with my mum as my dad is already at work.

"Morning Y/n" My mum smiles "Wow you look beautiful"

"Thank you mum" I smiled before taking a seat at the breakfast table.

I make some cereal as I have the normal conversations with my mum in the morning but of course there was one question she wanted to know the answer too.

"So why are you all made up this morning?"

"No reason at all" I shove the food in my mouth attempting to avoid more questions.

"Well you better get going, I can give you a lift half way hun?"

"Erm it's fine Harry is actually going to take me"

"And who is Harry?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me with a smirk

"Doesn't even matter" I shrug off.

As she is smiling at me and attempting to get information from me. My phone dings as I look down I can see it's Harry snapchatting me, I hope the message and see a simple

'Outside x'

"Right I have to go" I walk over and hug my mum kissing her check before grabbing my bag and walking out the door to Harry's car.

I climb in the passengers side placing my bag on the floor, as I turn to him with a smile on my face and wow did he look good.

"Good Morning" I smile to him

"Wow you look different" He giggles, that comment definitely made me feel insecure "Oh no a good different like you look beautiful but you always look beautiful so"

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course" He smiles, at this point I was blushing like crazy

"Wow thank you" I couldn't even look at him really.

Harry had a huge smile on his face as he starts the engine and begins to reverse out of my road before driving off to the direction of school.

We listened to music for a few minutes with no sound between us both. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence more of a normal one.

"What classes do you have first?" Harry asks me with a huge smile on his face.

"History first"

"You're in the same class as Bella right?" Harry asks as I just roll my eyes. I didn't even want to have this conversation with him about Bella I hated her so much. "Wow what was that look for" he giggles

"I wouldn't say we're friends" I giggle "Like at all!"

"I know" he smirks "she isn't your biggest fan either don't worry"

"Oh great to know" I giggle

"I don't think the same don't worry" he winks to me as my whole body just goes weak at the idea of him making those faces at me.

Me and Harry finally reach school and he pulls into the school before parking in his usual space. I can see all his friends not too far away standing around and stood there was also Bella and Chantelle stood with them.

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