Meet the parents

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You and Harry had been dating for a few months now and it was finally happen you were on your way to meet Harry's mum and sister and it was safe to say it was terrified. You sat in the car on the way to Harry's family home and you were shaking this whole thing was terrifying and Harry could tell.

"Babe you okay?"

"What if they hate me?" You blurt out

"How would they? I mean you're perfect for me in every way" He giggles keeping his eyes on the road but his hand moves to your thigh rubbing it so softly.

"You know if they don't like me I'm going to cry"

"Oh my god baby they're going to love you" he laughs as we pull up into the drive way and the anxiety hits you like a bus but Harry can tell so he moves in and turns your face to look at his before planting a kiss on your lips and a passionate one at that. "They'll love you Because I love you"

"You've never said that before" you blush looking to him

"Well I just did" he smirks

"I love you too" you smile back kissing him once again.

You had a slight confidence Now after Harry telling you he loves you so you climb out the car grabbing Harry's hand and lacing your fingers together as you walked up to the door Harry Just opens the door and walks in

"Should I take my shoes off?" You ask

"No we're heading into the garden anyways" he smiles as we make our way through the house and into the garden where you see Anne and Gemma sat around the table drinking beers and wine.

"Oh my god Welcome" Anne stands up walking over to you and pulling you in for a hug "What is your name again lovely?"

"Y/n" you smile to her

"Mum I already told you that" Harry says through gritted teeth

"Well I'm sorry" she giggles "Come on Y/n come take a seat" she smiles taking your hand and leading you over to the table as Harry moves behind you.

"So lovely to meet you all" you smile as Gemma stand up to greet you both you take a seat next to Harry your hands laced together still. He moves his chair closer to yours as his head rests on your shoulder.

"So Y/n what is it that you do?" Anne smiles taking a sip of her wine

"I work as a barmaid but I'm also a student in medicine and nursing" you nod with a smile you were very happy with your career path as you had worked so hard to get into medical school.

"Wow that's very impressive" Anne smiles back

"So you're like really smart" Gemma asks

"Well In a way yeah I mean I got A's in all my exams in both secondary school and college"

"How the hell have you pulled her harry" she laughs

"I really don't know" Harry laughs

"Awh look at your little face" you giggle to Harry as Anne shows you his baby pictures

"Oh my god mum why would you do this to me" He says hiding his face

"Because she's the only girlfriend you've brought home that I like" she laughs and your heart just flutters she actually likes you

"I am?"

"Yeah I mean you're beautiful, very clever, you have a career and you're not using Harry for anything also the way he talks about you tells me he is very in love with you" She smiles

"Mum!" Harry sighs

"No Harry it's cute" you giggle

"It's embarrassing"' he laughs

"And funny" Gemma adds in harry Just shoots her daggers at her as she laughs along with you and Anne

"Would you like another drink Y/n?" Anne asks standing up she was clearly heading to the kitchen

"A beer please" you nod

"She's more of a man that harry too" Gemma jokes as she looks at Harry's wine glass.

"This isn't fair" Harry pouts

"Awh babe" you giggle kissing his cheek when he leans into your ear and whispers

"When we get home I'm going to give you the best night" you just smirk to him and turn back round to re join the conversation.


"Well Y/n it was so lovely to meet you and you're welcome here anytime with or without Harry here you're a very lovely girl" Anne smiles pulling you in for a hug as you stand at the front door ready to leave.

"I'll see you Saturday Y/n for that play" Gemma smiles before walking upstairs you had made plans to meet up with her and hang out as friends.

"I'll see you then" you smile

"Thank you for lunch Mum" Harry smiles kissing her cheek his hand linked with yours still, you then hug Anne one last time before walking out of the house and to the car with Harry "they love you more than they love me" you laugh at his comment

"Oh please"

"I hope you're ready for when we get back to mine because you're in for the best night of your life!" He winks slapping your bum before climbing into the drivers side as you just giggle getting in the passengers side.

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