It's now around 4 p.m, Cassandra, Cam, Tif and I are sitting at the white metal bench by the yard, facing the lake. Zila is busy with I don't know what in the house while the kids are playing with sand Close by.
Today it's a miracle it isn't snowing, the sun is there but weak and it's almost going down now. when Cassandra's phone flashes followed by its ringtone which blares through the phone speakers loudly. My eyes move to the shrill gadget beside me and I'm immediately met by a familiar display of a picture on her screen. It's his graduation pictures and he's smiling broadly , now I can see his face clearly and I hope my heart is not doing summersaults.
"I'll talk to him later." She turns it upside down turning to face the lake.
"It's okay. I don't care, he's your son just talk to him." I say quickly.
"No, it's okay, I'll just call him back later." She insists and so I let it be, but as soon as the call ends it starts ringing again.
This time I pick the phone which happen to be a video call and I hand it to Cassandra who seems tensed.
"Mummy cas!" A sweet baby sound comes through the phone making nosy Tif and cam scoot closer to Cas to see her. And when I also look at the baby, I see the same baby from the photo, Kel.
"Baby how're you my sweet pumpkin. Do you want to talk to Bella?"
"I'm dope." She says grinning widely and Tif and cam gasps.
"That baby looks exactly like---"
"Shhhh..." Cas cuts Tif her body going rigid."Wow, do you want to talk to Bella now? She's playing with Bruce and lodzin."
"Who are these pwetties?" She asks, her small voice raced with curiosity, ignoring Cassandra's question.
I hear his laughter in the background making me go rigid as Cas, but for different reasons I guess. "Pretty Choco not pwetties." He corrects letting out a deep chuckle.
His sound shouldn't be that sexy, not now, no...
"Who are they?" She persists. I know she's referring to Cam and Tif since my face isn't fitting the screen. Cam and Tif are behind Cassandra and their faces are pressed on both of her shoulders.
"This is Camille and Tiffany." She answers pointing at the two of them.
"And whose hair is that?" She asks referring to the tiny part of my hair that is showing.
"Their friend." She answers cryptically.
"Hi." She grins waving at them. They wave back smiling. "I know you, daddy told me my mummy's bestfwends are Cam and Tif."
Both Cam and Tif burst out laughing.
"No, Cassandra isn't our best friend." Tiffany being a bitch responds.
"Not mummy Cas. My momma. She's at school. Daddy said we'll go see her when mummy is ready."
All the three of us ask in unison except Cas who now looks like she might pass out any minute.
"Honey we'll talk later, we're a bit busy now." Cassandra says looking even paler.
Kel pouts looking like she wants to cry. "I want to see that friend too." She points towards my direction.
Cassandra looks torn and she finally lets Cam hold the phone as she literally runs into the house.
"Are you okay Cassandra?!" I shout at her but she quickly nods waving me off as she disappears into the house.

Wild Baleigh love 2️⃣☑️
Roman d'amourAmid secrets, monsters, fire and death; amid every uncertainty; love exists. It's always real if it wins over everything else. It is the one certainty. Ballice and Tleigh are not a complete package, they're a package they're willing to complete toge...