Chap. 2 - Who Are You?

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3rd person pov~
It was a perfectly flurry and snowy day in the Snowdin woods. There snowflakes were falling in the underground, thanks to ~magic~. A few of the monsters were outside, but most of them were in their houses or other buildings. Everything was normal... for them.

Snowflakes were continuing to fall to the ground, making banks in the woods. Then a black figure rushed past the trees in an effort to escape something chasing after. From its running pace, it was in a panic to escape.

The the other figure chasing after was a human girl with a giant half of scissors in both hands. A little bit before, she dealt some damage on it creature to where it started to slow down. From what she could remember, its Hp. should be 30/99.

Mari's POV~
'This Glitch sure is fast. Maybe I should thank it for giving me a workout', I thought as I kept running, 'perhaps I could cut them off by teleporting, just so I won't make a scene.'

With the idea in her head, she teleported out of sight, waiting for the next strike.

3rd person pov~
The creature continued to run until it looked behind itself to find that its hunter was now longer there. There was only silence.

'Gōød.... ßhę gœńė.... nEëd Mōrė... pøŵèr.... Neęd tœ....KĮŁŁ!', it thought as it tried to look for its next EXP.

Before it could take the next step, the girl swing at it using her pink strings and kicked it in its face making it stumble back in pain and surprise. It lost another 3hp, now it was at 27/99. The girl did a backflip and landed, bending her knees with both feet in the snow. She stood with a smirk on her face.

"Well I'll be danged, I'm surprise you didn't sense me from above after I stopped chasing. Looks like your more brawn than brains", she said in a teasing tone, "oh well. You probably know what gonna happen next, so lets get this over with."

With that, she reached behind her and grabbed something from her back. For a second, there was nothing there until she used her magic to summon half a pair of giant scissors. It's handle was a blue-violet and the blade was of an obsidian black. She fully show her weapon and held it to her side. The creature only stared in fear at her blade and the magic she released.

"W-wHO...Ęve-ñ...Ŷœū?", the creature asked in a glitched and raspy voice.

"Well~", the girl said in a happy thinking tone, "Even though you made the first move and took some of my HP, I guess give you the benefit of the doubt."

She took off here glasses with her right hand and carefully removed her eyepatch, to reveal her eye glowing in a ray of colours that resembled a rainbow, and it looked it was on fire as it swelled with magic, ready to release.

"The names Mariannah, The Guardian of Balance, and I am here to delete Glitches like you and bring balance to the multiverse!" Mari said with a full smile on her face.

"Are you ready to have one Hell of a Time!"

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