Chap. 18 - Practice Makes Perfect

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"Boys, I believe our work here is done." Mari stated holding the soul in hand.

Fell and Dream only stared in amazement and shock.

"That was one of the coolest f**king things I've ever seen." Fell said in amazement.

3rd person pov~

"I appreciate the compliment Fell, but language please." Mari said.

Mari walked over to Fell and Dream with a fast paced, careful with the corrupt soul in her hand.

"Are you guys okay? I see some cracks on your skull." Mari asked, checking their injuries.

"Yeah, I think were good. Just a few cracks here and there." Fell answered.

"Here, let me help that." Said Mari.

With one hand, she moved it near Dream and Fell. A green light then emanated from her hand, surrounding the two. Their cracks and injuries slowly began to heal, with that, the light began to dim away. Fell touched his hand to his face and around his skull to feel if there was anything left over, to his relief, his injuries healed as if they weren't there. Mari extended her hand to help Fell from the ground, he accepted and was pulled up. She did the same to to Dream, but his gaze was fixed on something else.

Dream continued to stare at where the Glitch once was. Carefully processing the fight between themselves and Mari. Her strategy and way of attacking it, each hit was planned and was struck with precision.

"Uhhh, Dream? You okay down there?" Mari questioned.

He didn't respond and kept sitting in stunned silence. Mari looked back to Fell and he only shrugged not knowing. Mari then kneeled down and waved her hand over Dream's eye sockets for a few seconds.

"Hello~ Dream are you in there?" Mari said.

Dream finally snapped out of it and turned his head towards the two.

"Huh what?! Sorry, what did say?" Dream asked.

"You alright there Dream? You were staring for no reason." Fell asked.

"Yeah yeah, I'm alright." Dream confirmed.

Mari stood up and reached her hand out again to Dream. He accepted and was pulled from the ground, back on his feet.

"Wait a minute, I feel like were missing something?" Mari said noticing.

"Oh right, Ink and Blueberry are still in the Runes right? I wonder what's keeping them?" Dream wondered.

"Jeez, where the f**k are they?" Fell cursed but wondered too.

"Oh cmon Fell, lets just be patient. I'm sure they can handle themselves—"

Before Mari could finish her sentence, the ground began to shake like a giant earthquake. Through the shaking, the three tried to keep their balance. But, the shaking calmed down by a little. Each of three looked at each other questioning what could have caused it, then they looked at the ground. In front or between their legs was a large crack forming in the snow. Inside shined an unknown white light, but it screamed bad news.

"Guys, I think this AU is beginning to collapse. We need to find Blueberry and Ink now!" Mari alerted.

The three started running in the direction of the Runes while avoiding the cracks growing beneath them. Before they were close enough, the large doors were blasted open and Ink and Blueberry ran as fast as possible. For a second, all of them stopped in their tracks.

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