Chap. 12 - Rescue Mission pt. 3

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"Well sorry to break it to you buddy, but I have a name you now. It's Mari. Mariannah C." Said Mari.

"Ohh~, this ones got spunk. I like it." Killer responded.

"Okay 'Mari'", Nightmare said sarcastically, "Before we erase you from existence, let's get to know each other better."


Ink's pov~

After I jumped through a nearby window, I was able to infiltrate Nightmare's castle. So far, things were going as Mari planned. I'm carefully moving throughout the hallways, trying to stay undetected. Dream, Blueberry, and I have been on a few recon missions in Nightmare's castle, so I know a little about h0w this place it mapped. I continue to run quietly until I reach a doorway that was closed.

'If I remember correctly, and which I don't sometimes, the dungeon should be down here.' I thought to myself.

I step through the doorway, as I walk through, the dungeon was darker than the hallways above. The floor and walls were of cobblestone, some of the bars in the jails were rusted. The one thing in common with the cells was either the smell... or the sight of blood inside. This would always give me a chill up my spine.

As I take quiet steps, I here something nearby.

"What we try to break out again?" One voice said.

"Are you f**king kidding me. Didn't you see what happened when we tried, you idiot!" Another voice said.

Wait, how stars, I know those voices. I quickly run towards them and see them locked up. They were covered in bruises and cuts form all over. From a closer look, Fell and Blueberry were sitting but Dream laying on the ground. He was barely moving.

"Oh My Stars! Guys are you okay!" I said with concern.

"Ink! You found us! How in the world did you sneak in the castle, and how did you now we were here?!" Swap asked in excitement and relief.

"Listen you f**ks, lets save the questions for later and finally get out of here. Alive." Fell interrupted their moment.

"Oh right, sorry! But what wrong with Dream?" I asked.

"Dream took the most damage when we were trying to fight back when we were taken. Right now he's just unconscious, but we need to get out and get him healed." Blueberry said.

"Lucky for you guys, I know just the person to help!" I said as I grabbed my paint brush from my back. I held it backwards and knocked the back against the lock of the cage. It broke and fell the floor.

"I just hope she can hold them off a little longer."


"I don't think there is any need for introductions. Besides, I know already know all of you." Mari said calmly.

"What makes you think you know anything about us. Please, enlighten us." Said Nightmare.

"Well for starters, Killer made a deal with a demon child as an escape goat from the endless loop of genocide routes. This leads to his soul being corrupted, but Nightmare was able to save him before it was too late. But, he still remembers the trauma."

Killer looked at her in surprise for the short summary. "Wait, how do you—"

Mari interrupted him and continued, "Dust killed every monster in his Underground, including his brother, to gain the max amount of levels to kill Chara. In doing so, he gets himself into another loop of killing, and carries the trauma of ending all his love ones lives. Plus, because of the trauma, he talks to his brothers ghost."

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